Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Could such a place exist in the real world, 

the Paradise?

In the Bible, the Garden of Eden was a paradise. 

Everyone received the comforts of life without having to work at all.

 Today, some may wonder-Could such a place exist in the real world in the real world?

 The people of the Republic of Nauru, a tiny Pacific island, 

 once thought they had found Eden. 

In 1896, phosphate deposits were discovered there, 

and like on the island changed immediately. 

Demand for the mineral, which is used to make high quality chemical fertilizers, made it very valuable.

 By mining and selling the phosphate, the people of Nauru grew incredibly wealthy.

 Education, healthcare, and utilities were free for all, 

and newlyweds were even 

 given free houses.

 This utopia did not last, however.

Nauru failed to prepare for the day when the phosphate ran out, 

and when this day came in the 1990's everything fell apart.

 After 100 years of mining, 

their island's once-rich natural resources were excessive.

 In the end, the people lost their money and all their possessions.

 Nauru's story should act as a warning to the rest of the modern world.

 In many countries, 

our nearsighted desire for wealth has led to environmental ruin and poverty.

 We must remember 

that even the most abundant paradise can be destroyed by human greed.