Monday, February 10, 2014

The Peace Movement, led by peace advocate Man Hee Lee - A Miracle Happened in Mindanao Island

A Miracle Happened in Mindanao

Maybe almost everyone in the world wishes for peace and justice including me.
And anyone can say that we should bring peace. Just saying is so easy.
But it’s never easy to sacrifice his/her all life for peace.
In history, many people tried so hard to make this world peaceful without wars.
Unfortunately, Some wars are still happening out there, and you can’t even imagine how many people died and hurt because of wars. More importantly, they are caused by just greed of an individual and an organization! How is that possible for human? Very disappointing!
Somehow I come to believe there’s no peace in the world so maybe I give up.
But I heard very AMAZING news! which changed my mind.

Do you guys know Mindanao in Philippines?
It’s the second largest island of the country and weary from 46 years of a conflict that has killed tens of thousands. A few obstacles still remain. Hostilities have not yet ceased.
On January 24, a new era of peace has started in the Mindanao Island, a region stricken by a long history of religious conflict between Catholics and Muslims.
The peace movement, led by peace advocate
Man Hee Lee marks Lee’s third visit to the Philippines from South Korea at the request of Mandanao religious leaders.

The representatives of Catholicism and Islam united to sign the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace and pledged to work together with Chairman Man Hee Lee of peace advocate. After signing the agreement, Capalla and Esmael vowed before God, the people of the world, and the approximately 150 participants that Catholics and Muslims will never have disputes again.
After hearing this news, I am so happy because it feels like this peace agreement is just a beginning for peaceful world. From now on, more peaceful happy news will come I hope.
So proud and thankful for him.


  1. It's quite unbelivable event!! @.@

  2. His achievements are so great. I believe this peace maker will shake the whole world.

  3. He should also go to other areas where conflict is happening..if it is possible..! I feel a bit sorry that an old man have to do this..if there is a way I would really like to support him..

  4. Actually, I have visited Mindanao when I studied abroad in the Philippines few years ago. At that time, I got nervious and became cautious due to the strict environment of Mindanao. It appeared the war was on going and anytime it could arise which is desperate. So, it is just hard to believe the religious conflict between Muslim and Catholic has been settled down. If the peace has been successfully made in Mindanao, possibly so has in this world. Thank you for inspring me for a peace.
