Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mindanao in Philippines, Man Hee Lee peace advocate, Peace Agreement on January 23rd

The second largest island Mindanao in Philippine had deep religion dispute for 40 years. The conflict between Catholic and Islam caused a lot of damage to each other and there were about 100,000 casualties. However there was a big change, a big miracle happened in Mindanao.
To settle the conflict, messenger of peace Man Hee Lee has met the two representatives(Islam and Catholic) to sing the Peace Agreement on January 23rd.
The purpose of his visit was to settle the conflict in Mindanao. And the day after signing the Peace Agreement, there was hundred of students waiting Man Hee Lee desiring that Peace could come in Mindanao. As soon as he arrived many people; the University of Mindanao, youth associations, mayors and religious leaders etc greeted him.
The reason why the people in Mindanao thought peace could come when the peace messenger Man Hee Lee came is because the Peace Walk held for the first time in the midst of high alerts of violence General Santos that inspired the Philippines.
Though there was a previous Peace Agreement signed in 2012 by the philippine government and the Islam autonomous region, violent killings have since interrupted the call for peace.
However Mr. Lee is contributing deeply in order to end the conflicts in the Mindanao region. Through his efforts, the citizens in Mindanao are seeing a big chance in there nation that peace is possible to achieve not just for their nation but for the whole world. Man Hee Lee peace advocate not just went to Mindanao to achieve peace. but he had traveled the whole world meeting many other religion leaders, presidents and youth group organizations to accomplish world peace.


  1. I wanna live in a world of peace..I'm so tired of rolling on soul and thunder.
    I've been thinking what is world peace..But I got a hint here. thank u so much~

  2. Good leader. I am hoping for him to come to my university or else, then preach us about the peace.

  3. Wow.. what he is always doing...! I respect his works really from my deepest heart..even in his age over 80!! Nobody is today more enthuastic than he is, I SWEAR!!.....

  4. All of his movements are for peace! Ending the conflicts in the Mindanao region strengthen the basis of peace.

  5. His will about the world peace is amazing. I think that he really wants peace and ending of the conflict.

  6. its really fantastic thing for people

  7. With your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled~!

  8. Indeed! I totally agree with you.

  9. I wish peace comes as soon as possible in this world.

  10. Man Hee Lee Peace Advocate from S.Korea opens the New Era of World Peace~!

  11. Thank you for letting me know which I didn't think that far.

  12. I am interested in Peace after reading your writing.

  13. I wish peace comes as soon as possible in this world.

  14. It's really interesting and amazing!!

  15. It is surprising that the conflict ended.

  16. It is surprising that the conflict ended.
