Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cow's gas?

  Cow's gas?

 What is the biggest cause of global warming in the world today?

    If you were to answer automobiles or airplanes, you'd be wrong.

                                                                                                                  Surprisingly, the answer is cows!

There are thought to be around two billion cows in the world.
Cows eat grass, which is digested inside their stomachs.

During this process, methane gas is produced.

When cows fart, the gas escapes into the atmosphere where it mixes with other greenhouse gases.

 This, in turn, causes global warming to occur.
 Although cows are not the only producers of methane gas, they are by far the largest single contributing factor.

 Scientists have now found a way to reduce the impact of cow farts.
 A new medicine has been developed that neutralizes the methane gas inside a cow's
 stomach before if can escape into the atmosphere.

 According to some experts, 
as more and more farmers give this medicine to their cows, 
 The effect will be as great as removing a million cars our roads.

 It may not completely solve the earth's environmental problems, 

but reducing gas from cows could be an important first step towards controlling global warming.

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