Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What kind of food do you really enjoy?

What kind of food do you really enjoy? Is it meet, vegetables, fruits, or noodles? I hope who is reading this article will start thinking what kind of food yourself likes. Let's think it in another way. What kind of food do you really don't enjoy? There will be some people who hates vegetables or there will be others who doesn't eat meat and many other types of people. In my style for example, when I was born I had an illness; atopicallergy. I don't know why but my eating style was really like a western style. I really hated eating vegetables and only ate meat for a long time. You know when you start to eat your favorite food it is only delicious for that short time before you swallow. But what the problem was my illness atopicallergy was getting worse. I really had a hard time until my illness was cured because I itched my skin all day especially at summer and couldn't sleep well all night. The most complex problem for me was I was really ashamed going outside because I was afraid what other people would think about my skin.
So feeling myself this as a terrible situation, I started to listen my parents what they say to me. I really struggled eating vegetables and decreased the amount of meat. And as time passed, I was able to cure my illness.
Why am I writing this article to you? By having this experience what I realized was as to make our body healthy we should not eat only what we like. I hope everyone agrees that we should eat all the food equally to make our body healthy.
What I really think about this in my life is that without no trial there is no development to ourselves. By eating all foods equally to make our body healthy, we should experience sometimes happiness, sadness, hardness and sometimes scratch in our heart. By experiencing all kind of trials one step and one step, I hope that this makes each of us to develop ourselves and furthermore we will be able to understand others hearts and minds. If this happens to all of us, won't this earth be covered with light understanding all of us? To me there is no more important thing than "understanding and forgiving" other people. By knowing other people, countries and cultures,we will be able to have the same mind. And I hope as the more of us we have the same mind, our desire "peace" will also come to us in reality.

imege source:

1 comment:

  1. My diet is not fixed. Sometimes may be meat, vegetables, but sometimes I prefer cakes, bread or dessert. However, keeping the balance of diet is more important than what you had eaten. It is also same as in our daily lives. Keeping peace and balance!
