Monday, June 2, 2014

"World Peace,” is it possible?

   Nelson Mandela, who moved many people's hearts by his thoughts and his achievements of peace, has passed away recently. I believe the events that honored his death were the result of many people's longing and hoping for "peace". The events were not just in memory of one person, but for peace in general. Everyone has wanted to make world peace, but I've wondered if it is possible. There are many peace activists in the world, and they have been doing peace movements in their own ways. Also, the Nobel Peace Prize, that recognizes peace activists for their efforts in creating peace, has been adjudged to many peace campaigners and leaders of human rights. However, despite their efforts, the world remains fundamentally the same.
   Even until now, wars have continued around the world, and many people have died. People’s beliefs and ideologies are too different to unite people. Also there are too many people who are busy trying to satisfy their selfish desires. With each person believing his or her ideology is correct, is it possible to unite them all with the ideology of peace? Is world peace realistically possible?

   There is one man who inspires my passion for peace. His achievements is stunningly impressive. The day I heard the news about the peace group, HWPL, I became interested in him. My first opinion about the possibility of world peace changed after seeing his achievements in various countries around the world. World peace is not just in our imagination, it’s something that can be done! Fascinatingly, wherever he went, the area was full of peace energy. Youth organizations and women’s organization that wish for world peace would also become energized. They would always want to join HWPL, and were always happy to help.
   His seminars for world peace are never dull or formulaic, they are very ground breaking to say the least! They are able to touch many souls. His great ability to gathered each individual’s thoughts towards peace is incredible. I’ve always felt that some power guided his peace movement whenever I saw his achievement.


   A few days ago, I read an article about a conference for world peace in New York. All participants at the conference expressed their gratitude towards his speech, Not only were there representatives of youth groups but also religious leaders from diffeent parts of the world. His speech created a sensation among the audience. It’s definite that he has the answer to achieving world peace! If you heard his speech, and felt his passion about world peace, you would definitely agree with me.

   He is a doer, not a talker. Representative Man Hee Lee has given me the greatest desire for World Peace. I now have a strong desire to join his organization and achieve world peace together. I believe it's possible to achieve world peace after viewing the results so far. His words about "World Peace" have struck my mind. After seeing his peace activities spread not only on a regional or national level, but at an international level, I believe that becoming 'one' is possible. His broad-mindedness helps him call together all religions, ideologies, countries and cultures from around the world. ‘World Peace’ is great to imagine, but it is even greater to believe that it is possible. I feel that it will be achieved soon.

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