Friday, October 24, 2014

‘World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit 2014’ - Day 1-Event

‘World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit 2014’ was held in Seoul, the last remaining country in the world in separation with North and South. It was great honor for me to participate it as one of youth wishing for the world peace more than anyone. The official events were lied in three consecutive days and the first one was held in ’88 Olympic Stadium’ in Jamsil, where Seoul Olympic game had once been held in 1988. In this huge stadium, more than 100,000 people gathered together and shouted world peace together. That filled me up in my heart and mind with great hope of completion and achievement of true peace in this globe.

As the countdown for the ‘Day 1-Event’ began, all religious people and the politicians from different countries strode and marched altogether. It was extreme beauty for me seeing them appeared in harmony, and such transcendence of borders, religions, ethnicities, and genders for the world peace seemed to make it possible.

Soon after, an astounding performance has caught the eyes of every single people in the stadium. A card section performance was that amazement performed by 12,000 youths. Its unbelievably impact message was, though quite short, powerful enough to put everyone in recognition of the importance of the world peace during this generation. With its frame by frame message, the spectators came to know how helpless and powerless a government would be for the countless number of innocent sacrifices of youths in the crisis of wars. Those youths whose lives were supposed to bloom with talent and dream but ended to death are one of our families, friends and colleagues.

War must be terminated and ended and the completion and achievement of peace for all mankind must be taken in place.

Followed, congratulatory addresses of prominent figure guests instilled the genuine definition of peace in us. Then, beautiful performances, including 'Arirang', a Korean traditional folk song, were received much attention from the spectators in the stadium.

The chairman of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL) addressed and urged why we all need to be together and unified to one through WARP Summit in such necessities. Our world where full of screaming, crying and agonizing in the wars can now see the certainty of unprecedented peace in human history.

As for the last event, all the people in participation gathered and went around together in the field, singing ’88 Olympic Theme Song, ‘Hand in Hand’. Such harmonized and unified scene of them impressed and actually touch me deeply.

For the completion of peace, greed in people needs to be abandoned, mutual respect should be taken in place and all must be the put together in one purpose; peace. With this beautiful peace movement as a great and powerful tool, our dauntless courage and endless effort should be paid in order to achieve peace in ultimacy.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


A WORLD with an estimated 500,000 RELIGIONS in it

statistices of major religious population aroud the world

Out of 7.2 billion people,
approximately 85% of the population identify themselves as being religious
in answering the question,
"Why are you religious?"

Religion addresses the KEY VALUES of Life, love, truth, eternity and peace.
However, over 90% of wars are caused or motivated by religious differences.
Has religion lost sight of its purpose?
what is religion meant to be?
The highest teaching revealing the true nature of the creator and what heaven is - this really the teaching of God

The time has come to restore religion to its true purpose.
The prelude to the era of the alliance of religions has begun.

To all family members of this world, to those who love and desire peace
It is time for us to gather!
The solution for peace is here.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is the badge of peace shining in your heart?

This is my treasure- the thing I love the most.

Everyone who loves peace, the leaders of our country, 
the leaders of the country next to ours, 
the leaders of each religion, those who carry the stories of our world-the media
All these people carry this treasure in their hearts.This is a weapon-the most powerful weapon of all the weapon of peace! It is a symbol of the Heavenly Culture.
Through it, we-the people of the world have become one giant family of peace.

      We are one
"Everyone can be a messenger of peace"
May we all carry the sign of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light(HWPL) in your hearts, and take up the mantle of messengers of peace.

Please, come find the most valuable treasure in the world!

WARP PEACE SUMMIT 2014_Press Conference, Youth Conference and Former & Incumbent President Conference

Press Conference

World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit (WARP) has gained much attention from more than a hundred of media outlets all over the world, visiting South Korea for covering and reporting. The first official pre-event is a press conference. The reason for prior of this schedule is highly considered for the benefit of the rest of people who are unable to participate WARP event due to the limit on participation. Through foreign media reporting those people can also be exposed to the message for the world peace. The campaign of world peace is not just for an individual, an organization, or a single country but for all of mankind, therefore the purpose this press conference lies in letting every single one of us know and participate in the work of world peace. Upon seeing that the reporters from the world enthusiastically address a lot of questions, document answers, and videotape whole sessions, their passion, thirst and desire for peace could easily be witnessed. I, for one reporter, have become to hold myself accountable to achieve peace with the contribution of my humble but powerful article to the people in the world.

Youth Conference

International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) conference was one of the pre-events of World Alliance of Religions Peace (WARP) Summit, gathering IPYG representatives from all over the world. The youth from all the differences- ethnicities, countries, cultures and religions- shared their joyful greetings and constructive conversations followed. That was impressive enough to keep my eyes beheld. This youth conference was mainly focused on the role of youth to achieve peace. Countless numbers of wars, so far, have taken countless number of lives of youth. It is because youth can always be the first option deploying at the forefront during the times of war. Such wars have always been taken in place at the expense of youth’s life; supposedly striving for excellence of their careers and dreams. Therefore, for youth themselves, protecting youth and cessation of war are not optional but inevitable mission to be completed. Will youth, under any circumstances, ever compromise their lives. Putting my eyes on the firm grouping of the youth representative, I came to realize that ending wars and achieving world peace is not a vague idea but the idea of full of possible hope.

Former & Incumbent President Conference

Former and incumbent presidents’ conference was also held in along with pre-events for media people and youth representatives. A president is the most powerful and influential figure of any country and also the top representative of a country. With such power, a president’s obligatory duty is tremendously huge and important due to a significant charge on well-being of whole citizenship of his/her country. I firmly believe that world peace can also be achieved by the efforts of all the presidents, as a mother or a father for all the people. WARP Summit has earned by belief that presidents from the whole world would come at one spot and constitute the new article about ending the wars into the international law. WARP Summit has just begun to take its role as a humble beginning but with a significant importance, its role as a bridge to the re-constitution of the international law for the sake of us all would not be humble as they have just started.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Nobel peace prize winners say award is a boost for children’s rights worldwide

The winners of the Nobel peace prize, the Pakistani teenage activist Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian children’s rights advocate, said the award represented a huge boost to the cause of children’s rights around the world.

They also made it clear that they would seek to use the award to bring their two countries closer together and said they would invite their prime ministers, Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan and Narendra Modi of India, to the award ceremony in Oslo in December.

The joint award was welcomed by the two leaders, but the award to 17-year-old Malala also drew some sceptical responses from Pakistani conservatives suspicious of western motives. Since escaping death when she was shot in the head two years ago by a Taliban gunman for attending school in Pakistan’s Swat valley, she has been living and studying in the UK.

Malala heard the news of her win during a chemistry lesson at school in Birmingham, while Satyarthi found out through Twitter before receiving the phone call from the Nobel committee in Oslo. The two later spoke by phone and, according to Malala, agreed to combine their campaigns for child protection and education, and to work to build stronger links between their two countries

“Today’s world is fast moving because of the globalisation of the economy and it is high time that all of us take urgent steps to protect children and move towards a globalisation of compassion,” Satyarthi, the 60-year-old son of a police constable in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, told the Guardian in an interview in his crowded south Delhi office.

The laureate’s son, Bhawan, said: “He’s a very down-to-earth man and so there were no tears or shouting or anything.

“This will be a big encouragement to the movement but the real victory will be when child trafficking is finished. This will send a strong signal to society not to employ child labourers and to the government to implement the existing laws.”

Child labour is illegal in India but laws are rarely enforced. Convictions for offences such as child trafficking are extremely rare.

Speaking to the press in Birmingham, Malala said “I believe the committee didn’t just give this award to me. It is for all the children whose voices are not being heard around the world.

“Through my story I want to tell children to speak for themselves, not to wait for someone else. I stand up with all the children and this award is especially for them. It will give them courage,” she said.

On Friday night in Mingora city in the Swat valley, Malala’s home region, people celebrated the award, distributing sweets in her honour in the central square where the Pakistani Taliban once roamed freely.

“All those who were opposed to Malala should review their opinion about her” said Neelum, a ninth-grade student and friend of Malala, who she described as one of the most talented girls she had ever met. “I imagine being her someday,” Neelum said. “ She is not just an inspiration for the women of Swat but for the world over.”

Ahmad Shah, a teacher in Swat, said Malala had “empowered the girls of Swat with her thoughts that education is important”.

“We’ve only read about Nobel laureates. Now we have one from our own village. It’s unbelievable and yet its true,” Shah added, his voice breaking with emotion. “She’s a flicker of hope in an age of darkness.”

The Nobel committee’s decision was deliberately aimed at striking a delicate balance at a time of tension in Indian-Pakistani relations. Malala is a young Muslim, while Satyarthi is a Hindu elder statesman of the child rights campaign. They will share the prize money of £690,000. But the split award also reflected the dire state of children’s rights in both countries.

Sharif was one of many politicians to offer congratulations to Malala. But there was no escaping the irony that Malala was almost killed for her work advocating education for children, and she is frequently accused by conservatives of selling out to the west.

Liaqat Baloch, a leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a rightwing religious-political party, said: “Malala is a Pakistani student and she is getting a lot of support and patronage abroad. On the surface this is not a bad thing and we welcome this, and there is no objection to the award, but the attack on Malala and then her support in the west creates a lot of suspicions.

“There are lots of girls in Pakistan who have been martyred in terrorist attacks, women who have been widowed, but no one gives them an award. So these … activities are suspicious.”

In India, Tushar Gandhi, great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, the revered independence leader who became a proponent of non-violent protest, said that in recent years all Nobel prizes had been in the tradition of his famous forebear.

“Malala personifies non-violent resistance admirably and both she and Kailash Satyarthi also personify the commitment and solidarity that was the legacy of the work of all the illustrious leaders of [the Indian] independence movement,” Gandhi said.

“Until yesterday no politician was bothered or was interested in what he was doing and some were even irritated by him, now they will all sing his paeans. I think my great-grandfather, with his sense of humour, would have laughed … He had long realised the hypocrisy of politicians.”

India’s home minister, Rajnath Singh, congratulated Satyarthi, tweeting: “Shri Kailash Satyarthi is a champion of child rights whose work is now recognised internationally. Congratulations to him once again.”

India’s defence and finance minister, Arun Jaitley, also used Twitter to congratulate Malala for the award “for promoting girl’s right to education in the face of the Taliban diktat”.

There was no word from either country’s leaders on whether they would accept the invitation to attend the award ceremony. Recent days have seen one of the worst outbreaks of violence on the border between India and Pakistan for a decade, with about 20 killed and tens of thousands displaced by artillery barrages. The exchanges of fire appeared to be easing on Friday night.


I hope that not only receive the Nobel peace prize, but also comes out in actions continues.

Don't give the chocolate to your dog!

Don't give the chocolate to your dog!

You may love chocolate, but don't feed it to

 your dog-you may poison it!

 How serious the danger is depends on the 

type of chocolate and the amount eaten.

 Chocolate has a chemical called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine

 and toxic to dogs.

 Unlike humans, 

 dogs cannot digest theobromine effectively, 

 so it can increase in the body and become harmful.

  Theobromine levels are different depending on the type of chocolate.

 Cocoa, cooking chocolate, and dark chocolate are all high in theobromine,

 but milk and white chocolate are low. 

A small amount of chocolate may give your dog an upset stomach 

and vomiting.

 Larger amounts can have more serious results.

 These include shaking, internal bleeding and in extreme cases, 

even heart attacks.

 Thebromine poisoning can be treated by getting the dog to vomit.

 So if your dog has eaten too much chocolate, take it to the vet right away.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

For the Peace, 'Voice of One'

Religions, races, thoughts and ideas; none of these would not be able to stand in the way of the desire for the peace.
All the participants has become so much passionate and impressed on the fact that people could be gathered under one purpose of peace.
And those participated in the event confessed that World Alliance of Religions Peace(WARP) Summit has given such certainty for achieving peace.
Here are summaries of key speakers and congratulatory addressers in one voice; now is high time for one religion and peace.

< Emil Constantinescu-Former President of Romania / ICD President >
"I have become completely speechless and moved by the heavenly culture. All should learn of what never be thought and imagined."

"For the global peace and security, we all need whole new conceptual culture. There must be a tool for empowering cooperations and mutual trust and respect.
Heavenly Culture, a whole new peaceful striving for the world peace, was truly inspiring enough. This has never been imagined, thought or even excuted between any of
researchers, scholars or politicians. This should be shared and promoted for the benefit of all mankind. For this, representatives should be selected and
held accountable.

< Kgalema Motlanthe- Vice President of South Africa >
"World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit; a great opportunity of putting all the spirit together.

Mutual understanding and comprehension would be promoted and enhanced by a new approach of World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit.
For achieving peace, communication are significant and only one religion without divisions can achieve peace.
World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit is a great opportunity of putting all the spirit together.

< Stjepan Mesic - Former President of Croatia >
"Religeous leaders should hold themselves accountable for the world peace and security, regardless of their thoughts and authorities.

"World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit is a golden opportunity for the path toward peace and communications against wars.
We also need to see it as a chance to gather all of our spiritual unity and power.
"Religeous leaders should hold themselves accountable for the world peace and security, regardless of their thoughts and authorities."

< Antonio Ledesma - Archbishop of Mindanao Phillipines >
'Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light(HWPL) - 'a great light enabling us be unified', Heavenly Culture must be passed down to those in the whole world"

"Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light(HWPL) is the great leading light.
Heavenly Culture has made it possible that people from all walks of life gathered together under one purpose, regardless of their religions, thoughts and ideas, culture, societies and economies.
This must be passed down to everyone in the world for the harmonization and unification, in particular, just what Mr.Manhee Lee has done to Mindanao; ending 40-year-conflict in Mindanao.
Heavenly Culture should primarily begin from us inward."

Is A black box black?

Is A black box black?

Whenever a plane crash occurs, 

people search for the cause of the crash by baking a look at the "Black box." 

A black box is a flight recorder that records what happened before the crash. 

Although people commonly think that the black box is black, it is actually orange.

 Because the color orange is easy to spot, orange black boxes are easier to find at 

crash scenes. 

So why are flight recorders called "black boxes" when they are not even black? 

It is because the term black box refers not to the exterior of the box, 

but to the interior, which is dark and holds the key to a secret.

 The black box was invented by Australian David Warren.

 David's father died in a plane crash when David was only 9.

 While working as a scientist at the Aeronautical Research Laboratory in Australia, 

David came up with the idea to build a flight recorder.

 Still, David did not give up. 

 In 1957, he built the first flight recorder.

 In 1963, the Australian government finally passed a law requiring all 

 commercial planes to install flight recorders. 

Today, black boxes are installed in almost every plane in the world.

Monday, October 6, 2014

How old is your egg ?

How old is your egg ?

 If someone asks how old an egg in your refrigerator is, 
you'll probably feel embarrassed.

 however, here is a way to tell the freshness of an egg.

 Take a container full of water and put the egg in it.

 A very fresh egg will sink to the bottom and lie horizontally.

 A week-old egg will stand upright. After 4 weeks,

 the egg will float and should be thrown away.

 What makes the egg to sink or lie tilted?

 A very fresh egg has little air inside it, so the egg doesn't float.

 As the egg gets older, the amount of air inside it increase, and 

this allows the egg to float.

 In a fresh egg,

 the white part will be thicker, making the egg ideal for boiling and frying.

 After a week, 

the white part becomes thinner and easier to separate for making cakes and creams.

 In 2~3-week-old eggs,

 the yellow part spreads out and the white part becomes more fluid.

 These are good for baking bread or making sauces, 

when the appearance is less important.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Is North Korea still digging tunnels to the South?

Standing inside a basement of an apartment block in the heart of the capital, the former two-star general in the South Korean military says, "This is a kind of invasion, North Korean soldiers working underneath us."

Hahn says residents had complained of underground vibrations, but the subway does not run beneath them.

He says dowsers detected three tunnels, 13 to 16 feet (4 to 5 meters) wide at a depth of up to 39 feet (12 meters). His team drilled two bore holes to lower a camera, but before they could, they detected two underground explosions and their drill holes were blocked. Hahn is certain that North Korean soldiers were working beneath their feet, protecting the tunnel.

A history of tunnels

Four tunnels from the North have been found in all, although none since 1990. The South Korean Defense Ministry still officially looks for them as it believes there may be 20 in all, but the budget is small and tunnel hunters believe it is merely a token effort. North Korea has said the tunnels were not for invasion, but part of its mining industry.

While the Defense Ministry believes there may be up to several tunnels dug under the Demilitarized Zone, it is convinced that none would reach as far as Seoul. It believes that Pyongyang would not be able to dig more than 6 miles (10 kilometers) from the DMZ -- the heavily fortified border -- because of the Imjin River. Seoul's northwestern boundary is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from the DMZ.

"To dig tunnels tens of kilometers, it must be angled properly," says Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok. "There is a huge amount of groundwater in the Korean Peninsula, so water and soil have to be removed consistently. South Korea and the U.S. have always taken aerial photographs, and we found no evidence of this."

READ: Is North Korean leader Kim Jong Un lying low?

A view from a former North Korean official

But a former intelligence official from North Korea says the notion is not as far-fetched as it might sound. The military defector, who is not using his name as he still has family in the North, said North Koreans "usually pulled out soil and stones during the night so as not to be detected by the U.S. or South Korea. They dig into the ground vertically from 100 to 150 meters (328 to 492 feet) and slope upwards to South Korea so the water drains back to the North."

The man says he had knowledge of the tunnel digging when he lived in the North. Saying that operations peaked in the 1980s, he believes Pyongyang would still protect the multiple tunnels it dug over many decades.

"I was told the tunnels are not directly connected to the streets of Seoul because of the risk of being detected. The tunnels are connected to the sewers linked to the relevant organizations."

READ: North Korean 'Defector Girl Boxer' fights for the South

The relevant organizations that would be targeted are the U.S. Embassy, the Blue House presidential compound and government buildings, he says.

The former official says that in case of war, infantry troops would flood into the tunnels dressed in American or South Korean uniforms. The tunnels would then be blown up behind them so there would be no retreat.

But in recent years, many suspected tunnels have been proved false. And concerns about Pyongyang have shifted to its nuclear ambitions and long-range ballistic missiles.

Tunnel hunters do not always get much respect in South Korea. But Hahn, and others who have dedicated their time and money to the search, say the government should not ignore the threat they believe exists under their very feet.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Could such a place exist in the real world, 

the Paradise?

In the Bible, the Garden of Eden was a paradise. 

Everyone received the comforts of life without having to work at all.

 Today, some may wonder-Could such a place exist in the real world in the real world?

 The people of the Republic of Nauru, a tiny Pacific island, 

 once thought they had found Eden. 

In 1896, phosphate deposits were discovered there, 

and like on the island changed immediately. 

Demand for the mineral, which is used to make high quality chemical fertilizers, made it very valuable.

 By mining and selling the phosphate, the people of Nauru grew incredibly wealthy.

 Education, healthcare, and utilities were free for all, 

and newlyweds were even 

 given free houses.

 This utopia did not last, however.

Nauru failed to prepare for the day when the phosphate ran out, 

and when this day came in the 1990's everything fell apart.

 After 100 years of mining, 

their island's once-rich natural resources were excessive.

 In the end, the people lost their money and all their possessions.

 Nauru's story should act as a warning to the rest of the modern world.

 In many countries, 

our nearsighted desire for wealth has led to environmental ruin and poverty.

 We must remember 

that even the most abundant paradise can be destroyed by human greed.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Card-Section performance at the World Alliance of Religions-Peace Summit 2014

World Alliance of Religions:Peace Summit 2014 - south korea

10 minutes of emotion! WARP

Press Conference for the World Alliance of Religions: Peace Summit

SEOUL—Governmental and religious leaders, youth organizations, and women groups gather to attend the world’s largest peace summit held in the Republic of South Korea, where a sustainable solution to peace will be presented, as well as methods and programs for the cessation of war.

On September 17-18, the 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit will be held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. The locations where the summit will be held are the Gate of Peace, Jamsil Sports Complex Stadium and 63 Building Convention Center. Approximately 200,000 people are scheduled to attend. Among them are 1,500 leaders including international heads of states and leading representatives of world religions such as Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodox Church, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism, as well as organizations working in collaboration with the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). Over 100 national broadcasting companies from around the world will also cover the events of the WARP summit.

A question was posed to Mr. Lee in a press conference held before the first day: “The Middle East is a region rife with religious wars and conflicts. Is it possible to achieve peace here as in Mindanao, Philippines?” Mr. Lee responded, “Just because peace is achieved in the Middle East does not mean world peace is achieved. Rather than considering an issue that is confined to only one region, we need to resolve the fundamental problem that has its roots worldwide. Therefore, heads of state around the world must come to an agreement to establish an international law that bans war so that all wars come to an end permanently.” Mr. Lee is a global peace advocate and the Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) as well as IPYG and IWPG.

Also, Ms. Nam Hee Kim said, “Until now, women have been perceived as weak. But through Mr. Lee, I gained confidence that women can also play a central role in achieving world peace. This is because the power to protect the children who are forced out to battlefields is in the mothers. If all women in the world unite as one, I am certain that world peace will definitely be achieved.“

Ms. Kim is a global female leader and representative of IWPG.

Following the press conference on September 16 at the Cosmos Hall of Walker Hill Hotel, an HWPL affiliated organization called IPYG hosted a conference for more than 500 leaders of youth groups from 127 nations including nations that are experiencing conflicts such as the Balkan Peninsula, Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, and Israel. They discussed programs that can help build mutual understanding and trust.

Afterwards, a preliminary meeting of the WARP Advisory Council was held, where former and current presidents, prime ministers, premiers, chairmen of the national assemblies, and chief justices of the supreme courts from various nations gathered to share their experience in leadership and future peace initiatives.

Former and current heads of state, important figures from all walks of life and religious leaders with authority will attend this summit where they will devise a specific plan to put an end to wars around the world. They will also present a real solution to religious conflicts. The number of people attending the summit as well as the scale of this event is expected to be unprecedented


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit First day of the event

World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit First day of the event!

On September 17, the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light held the 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit at the Seoul Olympic Stadium.

Was impressed with the program.

Card section introduction of guest speakers!

Finishing the first day in the fireworks!
It was a really beautiful sight. .


World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit START!!!!

On September 17, the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) held the 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit at the Seoul Olympic Stadium.
"World is One!"

Monday, September 15, 2014

Press conference: the start of WARP summit!!!

Press conference: the start of WARP summit!!!

At 2:00PM Sep 16, 2014. The press conference for the WARP summit will be held.
Now, staffs are preparing for the conference.
The conference will be translated into five laguages to the reporters taking part in.
I can't wait for the start of the summit^^

Friday, September 5, 2014

PEACE vs peace

‘Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding’
-Albert Einstein

I, for one, do update everyday to myself such issues around this globe especially relating to ‘PEACE’; the key word all humanity needs for 21st century. Here is a recent peaceful(?) agreement caught my interest several days ago. Let me summarize it in brief.

                                               source: NEWS is

Since the annexation of Crimea Peninsula in March this year, Russia’s military influence would not seem to halt easily over the Eastern European country, Ukraine. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is in the state of denying the suspicions of taking direct action in the Eastern Ukraine crisis; Ukraine facing military conflict with those separatists in the Donbass [Donetsk and Luhansk regions]. However, the U.S., NATO and Ukraine have said more than 1,000 Russian troops are directly involved in the fight between Ukraine government and Russian-backed separatist forces.
On September 3, the office of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko started the morning with a hopeful phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin that there would be an agreed permanent cease-fire in the eastern regions. But soon after the Russians swiftly pointed out that they had never reached such an agreement due to “Russia is not party to Ukraine conflict.” And again, in a revised statement, Poroshenko removed the word ‘permanent’ through the Kiev Post and the phrase, ‘mutual vision of steps that will promote peace’, added the press statement. However, Andrei Purgin, the self-proclaimed prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the rebel leader (the separatists above), rejected news of a cease-fire, saying “This was completely unexpected. This decision was made without us.”
While all those leaders has been in such talks and any summits for ‘peace’, ironically however, Moscow simultaneously addressed plans for huge military exercises - strategic rocket forces for its long-range nuclear weapons, maneuvers of 4,000 troops and extensive use of air power - this month and the U.S. and other NATO countries kept discussing more sanctions on Russia.
Is it right act for those keep talking about PEACE?
To me, they are just so much of ridicules. To my picture, they seem shaking their right hands in the name of peace and hiding their lefts at the back with any knives or guns at each other. It is quite understandable why they are doing that way, considering the fundamental goal of any diplomatic and international relationship between the countries; for bringing the greater good to their citizens and countries. Then, so called ‘peace’ for them should be defined as a conditional one. Their ‘peace’ would be like this, ‘We can love you, hug you and get along well with you unless you do not argue with us under any circumstances, and otherwise, we can stab you, shoot you and walk right away from you.’
We, all human beings in this globe, have been striving for excellence and working out way to achieve it throughout histories. To our disappointment, it seems that more and harder we work for farther and farther we are from the core. Maybe isn’t it because the way we do has been wrong? Maybe isn’t it high time to re-define the true meaning of PEACE?
Then, how?
I do not know but one thing for sure is that we need a genuine understanding of it and we need someone to tell and teach us that. And that someone is not definitely from those whose definitions already have been heard. Ah~ PEACE.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Water Wheel

Water Wheel

Water Wheel, is the name 'aberration'.

The huge number of cars ‘aberration' in the United States, Baltimore

collected massive amounts of garbage disturbing the ecosystem and polluting 

the marine while floating in the water.

The aberration is installed at the entrance of the area, Jones Falls River.
The entrance is the passage which gathered all Waste abandoned in a river or road and 

pushed due to heavy rains.
If we has still kept leaving waste through here, that a lot of wastes over the Jones Falls 

River may flow out from the Chesapeake Bay to the tough Atlantic

In this reason,Water Wheel is very important and is placed in the most effective position.

The principle of Water Wheel of collecting the garbage is simple.
If Water Wheel puts facing the water flow direction ,

wheels of the Water Wheel are rotating due to water natural flow

and then their conveyor belts are returned.
The trash will be gathered through Long blockade Disaster by blocking them getting out.
Water Wheel collect every 05 tons.
That can be collected 25 tons of trash as The maximum
Ecological Water Wheel designed by Snead Ziger also is equipped with the latest technology.

  It is Installed 30 solar panels on the back of Arched door 
It is produced 2500 watts of electricity in good weather 

and by giving that power to the wheels if the water flow is weak.

It can do the role of aberrations well.
Just its disadvantage is that most collected waste aren't recycled.

They are mixed with sewage waste and rain

so there is a possibility that hazardous substances,


Collected waste sent to incineration and it is converted into heat and steam.

It is reproduced of that back into electrical energy.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Suspended Coffee

Suspended Coffee

Suspended Coffee means "the act of paying next people to drink coffee

Suspended Coffee was started in Naples, Italy 100 years ago.

At that time,

It was named "Coffee sospeso"

The name is different, but the meaning is same like today.

There were many poor people in Naples.

It offered them a cup of hot coffee and gave them hope then.

 The spotlight of suspended the coffee again was' the Human Rights Day,  

December 10, 2010.

Suspended coffee network is established as the festival organization In Italy.

The organization started in the meaning of sharing spirit of the past and

It got a tremendous response this meeting

It spread in the world at a rapid pace.

And thanks to one picture,

  suspended Coffee movement caused a great interest in the SNS.

If you look at the picture above,

you can see that the suspended coffee movement is made in any way.

With blue chalk

It was written 'Ask us for suspended coffee '

Next to the "73" number is

that the contribution of the 73 cups of coffee.

I can realize that 

 Sharing is  making the heart wall 

and is communication to deliver in a variety of forms!!!!