Monday, October 6, 2014

How old is your egg ?

How old is your egg ?

 If someone asks how old an egg in your refrigerator is, 
you'll probably feel embarrassed.

 however, here is a way to tell the freshness of an egg.

 Take a container full of water and put the egg in it.

 A very fresh egg will sink to the bottom and lie horizontally.

 A week-old egg will stand upright. After 4 weeks,

 the egg will float and should be thrown away.

 What makes the egg to sink or lie tilted?

 A very fresh egg has little air inside it, so the egg doesn't float.

 As the egg gets older, the amount of air inside it increase, and 

this allows the egg to float.

 In a fresh egg,

 the white part will be thicker, making the egg ideal for boiling and frying.

 After a week, 

the white part becomes thinner and easier to separate for making cakes and creams.

 In 2~3-week-old eggs,

 the yellow part spreads out and the white part becomes more fluid.

 These are good for baking bread or making sauces, 

when the appearance is less important.