Friday, October 17, 2014

Is the badge of peace shining in your heart?

This is my treasure- the thing I love the most.

Everyone who loves peace, the leaders of our country, 
the leaders of the country next to ours, 
the leaders of each religion, those who carry the stories of our world-the media
All these people carry this treasure in their hearts.This is a weapon-the most powerful weapon of all the weapon of peace! It is a symbol of the Heavenly Culture.
Through it, we-the people of the world have become one giant family of peace.

      We are one
"Everyone can be a messenger of peace"
May we all carry the sign of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light(HWPL) in your hearts, and take up the mantle of messengers of peace.

Please, come find the most valuable treasure in the world!

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