Monday, October 13, 2014

Don't give the chocolate to your dog!

Don't give the chocolate to your dog!

You may love chocolate, but don't feed it to

 your dog-you may poison it!

 How serious the danger is depends on the 

type of chocolate and the amount eaten.

 Chocolate has a chemical called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine

 and toxic to dogs.

 Unlike humans, 

 dogs cannot digest theobromine effectively, 

 so it can increase in the body and become harmful.

  Theobromine levels are different depending on the type of chocolate.

 Cocoa, cooking chocolate, and dark chocolate are all high in theobromine,

 but milk and white chocolate are low. 

A small amount of chocolate may give your dog an upset stomach 

and vomiting.

 Larger amounts can have more serious results.

 These include shaking, internal bleeding and in extreme cases, 

even heart attacks.

 Thebromine poisoning can be treated by getting the dog to vomit.

 So if your dog has eaten too much chocolate, take it to the vet right away.

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