Sunday, March 30, 2014

A peace agreement Philippines , Mindanao is in festival atmosphere!

In Mindanao, Philippines, they 're in festival atmosphere now!
Because they said that their long term civil war is finally overed and becoming of their new world. also their national broadcasting system made big report about that.
The population of Mindanao Island, Philippines has about 20 million people there and is a little bit smaller than South Korea.
Originally the Islam (Muslim)people of Philippine lived there long time ago...
But lots of Philippino Catholic (christians) moved to Mindanao, at the same time, the native people (Philippino Islam) outed from their land.. this is the original reason for long civil war which lasted over 40years.

Since early 1970, there were about 140-thousand (140,000) people who died because of this terrible war...
Our country had also same suffering as this I felt it wasn't not other people's affairs... nobody knows that this kind of feeling even they didn't go through something which killed each other in same national people before...

Peace Advocate Man Hee  Lee who led the signing a peace agreement.
Do you know that the person who led the signing a peace agreement is  a korean peace advocate Man Hee Lee? he was the one who can make the peace agreement decisively!
We know there are Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla , Thich Nhat Hanh ;Buddhist monk who worked for world peace but like this time, it is worthy of attention for everyone! Peace advocate Man Hee Lee completed world's big tasks. He left a significant mark in modern peace history.

Fernando R. Capalla, the archbishop of Mindanao, pleaded with Mr.Lee to help end the conflict of the island Mindanao.

During the arbitraion of the conflict Mr.Lee figured out the religious trouble is the main reason and met both of the religious leaders of Islamic and Catholic. As a result, the two religious leaders accepted the proposal of unifying religions and they came to an agreement to sign a peace treaty.

The next day of the event, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which is the largest Islamic group, concluded final agreement and finally the forty years of religious conflict came to an end.

After the interview with Mr.Lee, the Philippine national broadcasting said that all the Philippines should appreciate the result of the peace agreement of Mindanao island. It's said that Philippine private broadcast ABC CBN news also widely covered the significance of the event.

I think this peace agreement must be the work that improved Korea's international status. And it's no wonder that the event surprised the entire world since the one peace advocate stopped the forty years of bloody conflict. Even Lamos, the former president of the Phillippines, expressed his appreciation for the arbitration and I'm very proud of the news as a Korean.

Our wish is to be reunified. I hope the day when both leaders of south and North Korea come to sign a peace agreement as soon as possible.

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