Monday, March 31, 2014

A pleasant new article, peace advocate Manhee Lee - Peace in Mindanao appeard in the 40 years.

I am so proud of that I am Korean because of ONE Korean person made an end of
Philippines's religious conflict lasted for 40years.. it touched my heart so I put this happy news here^^
I was curious about the Mindanao, so I searched that its size is about our country's big..  ...and originally lived Islam, Islamic native people there, but since the U.S ruled this area, Philippines Catholic (christian) people moved to Mindanao , so the native Islam people was outed from Mindanao...this is the first reason for their Catholic - Islamic conflict.. it started from the year 1968. independance struggles..

Once Philippines and Malaysia had territorial dispute, then Philippines' Islam military was put into the conflict but the Islam military couldn't attack because of the Malaysia is an Islamic country..and they were excuted because of they didn't attack the Malaysia , all of these stories caused conflict between them... Philippines government tried to make a peace agreement many times, but the Islamic people desperately opposed and they just had an armed struggle . through this terrible history, almost 120,000 people died , sacrificed... I feel really sorry about that, and maybe lots of people out there the feel the same... but we, young generation, don't know about the real horror... so when I heard the peace agreement in Mindanao, it was great news!! it is good enough news for a peace agreement , world peace , no war..!

 After reading the article, there was a person who is sent from the God to achieve the cessation between Catholic and Islam's repeated conflict in the island. Furthermore, I was surprised that he is a Korean.

I watched the main character's endeavor to occupy a certain area without a battle in the television drama 'Subaekhyang‘. And I thought that the best way to obtain the peace agreement from the two opposite sides without an armed conflict because there weren't any political scapegoats.

In the soap opera, it seemed to be so hard to occupy the section without the conflict and the one who had succeeded the difficult job went to the enemy at considerable risk to his own life. So, I think that the Peace Advocate who achieved the great peace agreement really wants the peace. Although Mindanao is very hazardous area he was willing to be there and became a substantive role in deriving the Peace Agreement.

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