Sunday, March 2, 2014


I'm hopefully sure every people and even the nature desires peace. There were many peace leaders who really wanted to accomplish peace like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Frederic Passy etc. If you see each of their achievements, they all have the same mind to achieve peace but the method to achieve peace was all different. Many people thinks about peace and they really want it but I think it is too abstractive. Therefore to make the whole world peace, we should have the same mind and thinking in my opinion. Though we have different color, culture, language and behaviors, if we have the same mind and think the same way and fulfill it as fast as possible, I hope peace will come. Not just having the same mind and thinking but also we should concede, respect and understand each other. We shouldn't assert our obstinacy in one sied and think I'm a better person than him or her in a negative way. Because we are all equal and we are nothing but a person. I think when the equal gets broken, that's when wars happen. It could be a war killing people with weapons but in a small way in can be an argument or a fight with each other. As a result it makes each other a scar in their hearts and there could be a bias as a negative way like he or her or that country is bad. So I think respecting each other is really important and rather than thinking I should be the happiest person in the world, giving happiness by understanding each other minds and thoughts can make the earth full with brightness. I hope not being jealous, sharing our information, not judging the book by its cover but looking inside their hearts and covering each weaknesses can make the world one going to our destination "Peace". I'm sure there will exist many other ways to obtain peace. The most important thing is, though we are all different, we are all the same human so I don't doubt that peace will really come.

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