Sunday, March 30, 2014

By the peace agreement, Peace starts in Mindanao

Everyone desires and is open mind with peace but why does war or conflict still happen? Because of wars, Korea has been divided into 2 nations for 60 years and it hasn't stopped yet. And now our generation is insensible with unity.
When I first saw a placard written "PH Mindanao Island peace agreement ends the 40 years war" I was indifference with it. However walking the same path and keep looking on it I was worried if war happens in our nation. Because I thought how joyful it would be if Korea attains unity.
The PH Mindanao Island peace agreement is accomplished by the PH citizen's earnest desire. The PH archbishop invited the peace advocate Man Hee Lee several times and Man Hee Lee visited PH Mindanao. The region has suffered disputes between Catholic and Islam for about 40 years and it has caused over 140,000 casualties. Therefore it is a matter of course that PH citizens and government really desires peace.
By the Chairman Lee's peace message, the two representative(Catholic and Islam) became a pure lamb and accepted the peace agreement. Eventually, the peace advocate Man Hee Lee did a big role attaining the Catholic and Islam to accept the peace agreement. I think the country who has pain because of war really desires peace.
The war in Korea hasn't stopped yet. As there was full of joy and impress in Mindanao by the peace agreement, I think it is time for our Korea to think about peace and unity seriously. Especially, there is the peace leader Man Hee Lee working for the Korea unity, so hope the peace wind will come to Korea also. Not just shouting "Peace Peace" but visiting other countries and working for peace makes chairman Lee the real peace leader.

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