Friday, March 28, 2014

Peace Advocate Manhee Lee made real peace in Mindanao

What do you think about the word 'p e a c e'?
I mean not 'world peace', the letter or word of 'p e a c e'
As you know, we think peace is really good thing and give us relaxed feeling..
but that's all? if there's only the word 'peace', it would be useless...
What is real peace?
How can we put peace into practice?
If you have peaceful thing only in your mind , it would not happen in real..

and what if there are some great people who work for world peace practically!
You should follow their attitude for everyone's peace :)

How about peace advocate Man Hee Lee?
He is just normal korean person but he works for real world peace  internationally and impassionedly. he sends relief supplies to poor countries which are in east asia and also look after the children of those countries and give them very hopeful messages... it is meaningful action for real peace, and it works ! the reason why Mr. Man Hee Lee made real peace in Mindanao, Philippines recently... it was amazing that the person who did this great job is just normal Korean person, not  philippines or famous personage..

Peace is not huge thing to do something, it's just started from your small hands., and do have same thingking of some people who bring real peace into our lives...

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