Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A way to go to Heaven?

A way to go to Heaven?

 Perfume has always been an important part of human culture. 

These days, of course,
we use perfume to make ourselves smell nicer and feel more attractive.

But this wasn't what perfume was used for.

The earliest known use of perfume was in ancient Egypt.
These perfumes were sticks that in religious rituals.
It was thought the nice smell would attract the favor of the gods.

The Egyptians expected that the gods would treat those who smelt nice more kindly than others.

That's why they used so much perfume in daily life.

Amazingly, they even thought that perfume would help them after they died.

According to evidence found in ancient tombs, they believed that having lots of perfumes, especially strong ones, would increase their chances of going to heaven.

 Tutankhamen's tomb provides a good example of this.

The tomb's discoverers found jars of perfumes and oils surrounding the body.
Moreover, the fragrance could still be smelled nearly 3,300 years after the tomb was created.

That must be strong perfume when it was put in the tomb!

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