Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ta Moko custom


                                          About Ta Moko

  A Maori leader's face is covered in Tatto markeings.

It may look scary...

But don't be afraid. These markings is known a Ta Moko.

And it are a traditional Maori custo.

                           I hae often watched Maori in books on TV.
They are indiffrent from current today's us..

 It is said that Ta Moko iffer from ordinary tattos in some ways.
While tattos make us think of violence, Ta moko are not made using needles like in tattos instead.

 hey involve carving into te skin with a sharp tool called on nhi.

 so while tattos leave the skin feeling soomth Ta moko produce a bumpy surface..

 Ta Moko are worn by both men and women.
They are scared us but we are scared..

 Men have Ta moko on their fave and butt, while women usually have them on their chin, lips, shouledrs.

 Ta Moko's pattern stands for their psition and express important information about te indibidual's family,
history, accomplishments.

 If I were them, I should Ta Moko.
It is terrible to me. I really hate tatto.
I don't understand the women who do the tattoo on their all bodis..!!

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