Friday, August 8, 2014

Who founded the face book?


Who  founded the Facebook??

 Time Magazine chooses a 'person of the year'.

This person who has influenced the World in a big way.

He was Mark Zuckerberg, received this honer in 2010
He is the founder and CEO of Facebook!!

All over the world many people communicate with through the Internet.
Without the Internet , How can we share so many information about their culture, society, and so on.

 As more developing of Internet, Facebook is the network which is reated these days.

Anyone who does the Internet has Facebook!!

 Through Facebook, many people post personal information, such as their educational background and interestes, and upload photos and Videos...and they share sith them friends..

 Mark Zuckuberg's sucess has ever led to the making of a movie about its reation.
It is called " the Social Network"

 It is so popular movie all over the world...but I haven't seen yet..I will see ..

 When Mark Zuckuberg became " Person of the year" as Time's 2010
 He shared his reaction on his Facebook page..
 He said that he was happy to mke the world more connected.

 Facebook has made Zuckuberg a billionaire and he has promised to donate a lot of his
money to charity.!

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