Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pancake's Day

    Pancake's day

All around the world,
people love to eat pancakes for breakfast.
In fact, there is even a holiday called Pancake Day!

People get together with friends and family and eat delicious pancakes together.

 Pancake Day has its origins in the Christian tradition of Lent.
Because fatty food was prohibited during Lent, People had to use all their eggs, milk
and butter before it began-so they made pancakes!
 Over time, people began to refer to the day before Lent as Pancake Day.

 The most famous Pancake Day activity is a race which has been held since 1445.
According to legend, a woman was cooking pancakes before Lent when she suddenly heard the church bells ring.

Because she didn't want to be late, she ran all the way to the church in her apron, with a frying pan in her hand!

 The race is run by women only.
 They run to the local church, carrying a hot pancake in a frying pan.

They must toss the pancake into the air and catch it in the pan three times during the race.

 The first woman to reach the church wins.
Her pancake is served to the bell ringer, who gives her a kiss in return.

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