Saturday, August 16, 2014

People's body heat is used

We often experience in uncomfortable and inconvenient crowd.
But, Swedish engineers have found a way to use crowds for a good purpose!
How can crowds use?
They created an invention to recycle people's body heat for wintertime heating!
Swedish station's ventilation system captures body heat and moves it to large underground tanks of water!
The heat in this water can then be used as a big heat source.
This is a amazing idea!
A similar system was used in the Mall of America in Minnesata, the mall recycles body heat from shoppers and uses it to help heat the huge building.
After storing in large underground tanks, the heated water is pumped through pipes to a new office building nearby.
There it is reused by the building's main heating system.
This reduces the cost of heating the office building by twenty percent!

For them, this system seems like the best choice to save money and energy!

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