Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Let's travel to Alaska~!!


                             Let's travel to Alaska~!

Which country does Alaska belong to??

Alaska is part of the United States... But it is separated from mainland by Canada.

Nevertheless, Alaska is the USA's largest state.

The state I covered by huge glaciers and it includes Mt. Mckinley that is the highest mountain
in Northe America.

Many tourists travel to Alaska each year to hike, hunt.. and they enjoy fishing in its beautiful nature..

It is so cool. I would like to Alaska.. When can I go to there..? Someday..
If I have a full chance to go to Alaska,, I will go to there with my precious familly alive..

According to Alaska's history,
Russian explorers discovered Alaska in 1741
However Pussia decided that Alaska was too far away.
For any Russias to libe there.

So Rusia sold Alaska to the United States !!

 As a low cost, Alask was sold to U.S

 It seems that it is good choice to U.S.!!

 Also It was discovered that Alaska has a great resourse.
 Alaska is rich gold, salmon that i really like..
  As we know ..Is Alaska's salmon famous all over the world??


 Alaska is now one of America's richest and most beautiful plaves.!!!

 Let's go togethere to Alaska ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

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