Sunday, July 20, 2014

Paper house

When I was young, I would be a archie. I used to like designing my room so I collected recycling paper, color paper. and made a table tea. It was cool furniture I have read "paper house" in the book.

It seems like any other house in the neighborhood except for a sign out front that says "paper house" When you get closer, you can understand exactly what the sign means. The house is made almost completely of newspaper, includingthe furniture.

It was built in the 1920's by a mechanical engineer as a way of testing the strength of newspaper. He built the house with his family to serve as their summer cottage. They sorked for 20 years. and used more thn 100,000 newspaper. Where did they save newspaper ? If the house was made of it, was it really storng then?? anyway it took two years to build the house, and additional years to make all the furniture.

 To preserve the house of appearance , it was added varnish. Many people have been visiting the house If i have chance to go there, I would like to touch it. Now today it was turned into a museum......

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