Friday, July 25, 2014

What is Dark tourism?


                                   What is Dark tourism??

 Have  you ever heard "Dark tourism'?

The word "tourism" usally brings mind images of beautiful places such as resort hotels, beaches, natural sites....

 but there is a darker kind of tourism and it is becoming popular.

 Dark tourism has been defined as tourism involving in travel to sites historically associated with death, and tragedy.

 Dark tourism is a that phenomenon.

 Tourists flock to these destination and they experience the evidence of the terrible event.

I think that is a joyful sighting for everyone. But another evidence of world problem is shown to our current serious soviety.....


 One example of a dark tourism destination is Sungnyemun in Korea.
 The site of this National Treasure was destroyed in fire..
 It has drawn a large number of people ..

Another example is Ground Zero.. and so on..

Some people are merely curious about Dark tourism..

 We should learn from this situation .. and try to change our wrong behaviors  

To make current world a bright society..

    There are many good groups of the world.


               I make dream of Peace World .!!!!!!!!!!!!

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