Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Slavery exists!



                                        Never slavery!

It is said that millions of people are still kept as slaves around the world.

It was shocking thing!!!

Where does happen to it???
Miger is that place where has slave labor.
It seems that time has stood still for centuries there.
It is poor country whrer people live almost entirely off cattle ranching and the labor of human slaves.
Slavery in Migeris not something that is hidden.

It is an accepted part of society.
If I am living there,,, How is it.? It's terrible..

Many countries has freedom of society.

We needs to have peaceful rights of it.

Never savery!!

A study has found that almost 8% of  Niger's population are slaves.

It is unfair to them to live in the same world.

Why do they that are slaves suffer from it?

I wonder hosw this can be in the 21st century and why few people3 know about it.

It is natural that we has peaceful world for everyone all over the world!!

1 comment:

  1. It is unbelievable that there exists slavery. We really need a peaceful world!
