Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The 8 ways which start the beginning of the morning happily

The 8 ways which start the beginning of the morning happily

1. Take a cold shower

There is a research result that you can have an antidepressive effect and feel clear, when you have a cold shower. Let’s have a cold shower in the beginning in the morning and happily start.

2. Listen bright music 

How about listening bright music on the way to school and work at bus? When you listening bright music which can adjust your condition in half asleep and half awake morning, you can spend the day happily.

3. Take vitamin 

When you take vitamin and mineral in the morning, your brain and minds are going to be clear and also tiredness is going to decrease. Do you mind taking tablets? You can replace with fruits which fills vitamins like apple, tomato, etc.

4. Try stretching

There are big differences, when you have stretching in the morning even short time. Let’s stretching! Only 30minutes stretching can make you refresh for a day.

5. Drink coffee/chocolate

In the drowsing morning, hot coffee or sweat chocolate can make you start the day happily.

6. Wake up at the regular time

When you go to sleep late, morning sleep will be increase, and your condition will be broken. Even though you are tired, if you wake up at the regular time, you can go to sleep easily at that night.

7. Try meditation

Morning meditation give psychological satisfaction and positive thinking method. Depression, apprehension tendency can reduce the blood vessel, so how about try meditation with silent music for about five music.

8. Having breakfast

Having breakfast is really important!! If you skip to having breakfast, your concentration will be decreased, and then the body will be unstable status. Because central nerves in the brain is stimulated by appetite. The result of the skipping breakfast is down of the condition. Let’s having breakfast.

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