Monday, April 21, 2014

Have you heard the story about "persimmon"?

   These days, I realized that many people like to talk about their stories and praise themselves instead of listening what other people say. I'm one of a type listening rather than talking about my life or what I have experienced. Meeting many different type of people, I sometimes get bored when the other people talk about their personal life what they have experienced because it is kind of hard to agree what he or she says and if the talking is about what I have not experienced there is no way to understand what the other person says. However, sometimes there is some people who ask me first for example "Have you been on a trip to another country?" but the outcome goes to his or her story. So what I have realized is that there is a reason why human does not have 1 ear but 2 ears. Not just talking about ourselves but if we try to understand other people minds and try to listen to each other, I hope there will be a better conversation and have a happy mind not just personally but all together. Don't you feel unconscientious when you talk about just your life in one side? If we think it over, there is a reason why conflicts happen. I'm sure there will be a day that people will try to understand each minds and share our thoughts.

   Have you heard the story about "persimmon"?
Once upon a time there was a persimmon tree bear with persimmons. As time past, all the persimmons fell down but one persimmon was still persisting on the tree. I thought that persimmon will also fall down soon but as looking the tree after 1 week, 2 weeks later the persimmon was still on the tree. So I was really surprised how a fruit can persist all kinds of obstacle like the rain, wind or insects. I was quite interested with this situation so I decided to keep looking when will it fall down. Maybe in my memories a month past, and finally the fruit fell down but an amazing event happened. There was a small but a beautiful sprout the place where the persimmon fell down. After looking this situation I realized that though it is just a small fruit, he endured himself to make a beautiful sprout giving his seed to the ground. As the persimmon endured himself transcending his limit and waiting there will be hope, I realized me myself should endure myself though there is unhappiness things, waiting there will be hope in the future. Not just being angry to other people because you are mad but if we think in a positive way why this situation happened to me and try to fix our habits I hope it is a good chance to develop ourselves and know other people minds giving advice who is having a painful time.

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