Thursday, April 10, 2014

What would you wish for this world?

If there is only one chance you can tell your wish, what would you wish for this world? Would you like to wish fortune, fame, or the technology for long life? For me, I would like to wish ‘peace’.

The whole world is being settled as a world-comprised organization, so- called ‘global village’.
Because of the globalization, all the events and competitions between countries such as Olympic, trade... take place more frequently
Therefore, socializing between people from different countries became natural these days. This is such a pleasant phenomenon. For the people in this world make the society of cooperation beyond their races, and nationalities.
However, we can also find many problems. There are many people suffer from famines, starving, and wars. The war of Cream and the territory dispute in Palestine are well-known cases. We can easily find them in media. We, Koreans, seem that we live in peace, we still have the possibility of breaking war between South and North. Even at this moment there are many peoples who are afraid of unpredictable wars come with all the pain and damages.
In that sense, I realized that our common daily lives would be special for someone who always lives in hazards of wars. I consider that everyone on this earth must have their rights to lead a happy life as other people have. Therefore, to accomplish peace is the most basic need for human being amongst all the matters. Many people who work for peace are just around us. Today, I would like to introduce a man who is Korean works for world peace.

Among those who work for peace, Mr. Man Hee Lee is the one I’d like to tell you. He is a peace advocate who takes an active part in international area for world peace. Man Hee Lee peace advocate has given many speeches every time he visits other countries like Europe, Southeast Asia and so on. He especially gives a speech on the importance of accomplishing peace.

Two of his representative activities are visiting Ethiopia to comfort the Korean War veteran, and the peace walking movements to aim at youth people in the world. He enthusiastically keeps contacting with the leaders from various organizations and tries to actualize the methods to fulfill the world peace. He takes signatures from leaders for agreement of world peace.
There is a lot of organizations aim for world peace. However, we still have no answer how we can actually drag the result out of it.

In Korea also, Mr. Man Hee Lee and the others work for peace. It simply isn’t seemed that big what they are doing. They are those who don’t pursue their own happiness but work for spreading the idea of the importance and the value of peace. I hope this earth would be filled with joys and pleasure with peace by many people participate peace movements. Therefore, our ‘global village’ would become ‘peace global village’ soon.

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