History is full of great people; people who have accomplished wondrous or amazing acts within their life time. However, there are fewer of those people whose singular purpose went beyond themselves and into the lives of not only those around them but the entire world; that is what we are seeing today with ManHee Lee.
Here is a man born to one of the smallest and poorest nations in the world at that time – South Korea, a nation where grass and mud huts were still common place and education was secondary to working in the field. Like South Korea though, ManHee Lee has risen to prominence throughout the world. He has created a movement so large, so profound, and growing so exponentially that he could be responsible for changing the course of not only the world as we know it, but the world of our children’s children and beyond.
In terms of great people, ManHee Lee is well on his way to being one of the greatest of the great by perhaps finally bringing peace to a world that until now has never known peace. Sure there have been moments or calms between wars, but when has there been a movement so large that every nation in the world united behind a banner of peace from their peoples to their presidents. It is a tidal wave, a tsunami racing toward us, an unavoidable evolution that humankind must take in order to survive, and Manhee Lee could just be the catalyst that made it all happen – the big bang that unites us. Bring Peace – Bring the World.
People who as Mandela may can be a model or leader of your life, but never forget that you can do many for others, even the peace, Mr Man hee lee tell us, if you want, plz action!