Friday, April 11, 2014

The world will become one, no more fighting and division

The world will become one,
no more fighting and division

I am a person who loves traveling around the world. So I have many international friends. Most of my friends are well off and affluent in their own countries. When I met my buddies, I thought the world was only filled with the rich who were content with their lives and had no worries about violence and wars.

However, many of my friends  told me the news that there have been many people who have been dying in neighboring areas. It is because of the wars and differences  of their religion. Actually in my case, it would be better to just live in a world without any religion if so many people want to fight because of the different religions. Why do they fight? For what? The fighting just never seemed to end. These things  made me feel really stuffy and unhappy.

In the midst of this situation, one great news I have heard is from one of my Filipino friends, Miss Flora. The problem in Mindanao for 40 years has finally concluded and the leaders of the different religions in Mindanao shook their hands and signed the agreement for the ending of the war and world peace.

This is really wonderful news to hear and it made me feel better because I don't have to worry about my buddies anymore. And I feel as if the dream for the unification of the two Koreas also will come true. One more perfect thing is that the man who did this was Korean. So I am so excited and I really hope that in Korea there would no longer be any people who have to be separated from the families again.

Nobody in the world wants war and division among the people.  If the leader’s thought changes like Mindanao, the world can finally become one.  And no more fighting again. I know I am just an ordinary youth but I believe that all the youths will have the same ideas as me. As the man who works as a peace activist all the people including me should take part in making the world full of peace and happiness.

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