Saturday, April 12, 2014

peace advocate Man Hee Lee_ His activities for World Peace

Recently, I felt very proud as a Korean because I heard some great news that  a peace advocate from Korea is making a peace agreement with leaders from all around the world.

 I got to know about some of his activities for world peace. He went to the conflict region himself, met the leaders and led the agreement of peace and ended the war.  He visited the president or the prime minister of many countries including disputed territories and delivered the Peace message touring the world eight times. He also provided the children with relief supplies and performed the peace walk to demonstrate  youth’s desire for World peace.

 I, as a person who has been touched by his peace activites and messages, decided to write this short essay.
 We know no person wants war and everybody wants a peaceful life. But there are still  many people who are dying from war despite the efforts of many peace advocates who have won the Nobel peace prize.   We all think the war must end up for our children's sake, but it ends at merely a thought.

 But peace advocate Man hee Lee is showing us the possibility of peace realization. I believe the leaders of the world will  change their own views and join Mr. Man Hee Lee to make a promise to end all wars. I am so thankful to Man hee Lee!

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