Monday, April 7, 2014


When you hear the word "PEACE" what comes into your mind first? When I hear the word "peace" I was young and had no idea.  I was blank.  From that time, I started to think about the state of our country, Korea.  "The only divided country in the world"  All of the people around the world want PEACE including me.  There's no person who never wants peace.
Many religious leaders, political leaders and famous people want peace and have been trying to have a better world by achieving peace.  Even so many Nobel prizes for peace have been given to many people who have been considered that they contributed to peace.  However, we still have wars, disputes and troubles in the world.  I was wondering why is that?..I couldn't find the answer.  But coincidently last spring I saw an event in Seoul, Korea.  There were so many people around the world and they held placards that say "we want peace!".  I have never seen and heard of such a big event.  They were ready for 'WORLD PEACE WALK".  So I got curious and decided to watch a bit more.  And an old Korean man came up onto the stage and gave them a speech.  I was also listening to him among people.  He was Man-hee Lee, the peace activist.

He was saying..

"There's nobody that hates peace.  Everyone wants peace to be fulfilled as soon as possible.  However we can not achieve peace by saying that we should achieve peace and do something...."

He was achieving PEACE in the most essential way.  I got very impressed and thought he must be the one who can make a peaceful world practically.  Even though he was old he was so enthusiastic. I got inspired by his powerful speech.  I thought I wanted to be the part of them and do something for peace.  I'm sure "The more people like Man hee Lee peace advocate and the followers gather the sooner PEACE will come."

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