Monday, April 7, 2014

Let us love one another like light, rain, and air _ Man Hee Lee Peace advocate

The Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee

The first time when I heard about this man was the last year at Seoul Olympic Park. I was in a taxi and the cars seemed that they are never going to move forward. I was stuck there and the driver said ‘ Something,in the park, is going on. That is why here we have a traffic jam.’ Just a few minutes after,I could see a huge number of people were walking along the road.
 I decided to get out of the taxi and kept looking at them and what they were holding. They were signs written about ‘Peace’.
It was kind of so much unusual happening, the walking festival for world peace in Korea?
There were not only Korean young people but also many foreigners.
I got so curious who would organize this kind of good work. I asked people where they come from and I could know that they are all from the universities and from certain youth clubs. Then who tied these people all together?
When I had got home I searched the Internet and found the one who has done all the work. His name was ‘Man Hee Lee’ and he was Korean. I would never even imagine that there would be a man who can do this work in Korea. I could find some messages he had told about peace on the webpages.

He said,
Anybody can easily say that ‘Peace’ is good. But there have not been many people who can actually carry out the work of peace and make it into reality. But it is the time we must do this work. Let us love one another like light, rain, and air. Because they come from the sky for free for anyone.

Every word he had said was just stuck in my mind and moved my heart. Because I was the one who have been feeling guilty with not helping other people who are suffering from wars and disasters. I even made a film about that. But it was not easy. ForI was always busy with my own business.
Haven’t I been so selfish? I was born in Korea where there is no big problem with food, etc… I guess everyone might feel in the same way as I did.

I am interested in what he is doing now.
I am looking forward to what will be the next work he is going to do.
Next time, I would not just look at it but participate for all the precious works.

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