Monday, April 7, 2014

NOW, the world far from "PEACE"

When people are asked if they want peaceful world there's nobody that says "NO!" However few people do something for peace. I am no exception with this. Whenever I hear the news; wars, disputes, racial discrimination, political problems, and regional conflict and so on.. I feel that peace we really want is far from us. As time goes by, peace grows away.
Youth! World Peace Walk! Shout out "PEACE"
Shocking but fresh.
The parade of people from all around world.
Signs saying "WE WANT PEACE. WE CAN DO IT"
The shouting they were making..
Big smiles are on their faces and they became one in the word "peace"
I was watching them and I felt something sprung up in my mind.

Peace advocate Man Hee Lee!
"Who is that old man and why are they cheering for every his word?"
I joined the part of the young people and saw Mr, Man Hee Lee.
He was quite old but looked more powerful than the youth.
I couldn't help being impressed by his speech.
He was saying..
"There is no one that hates peace. Every one wants peace. However peace can't be achieved by shouting out peace and doing nothing."
I've never heard that kind of message. He was the one who worked hard for peace without being paid any price. He was encouraging us to take part in working for peace. I felt how eagerly and sincerely he wanted peace and how hard he himself worked for peace. I was sure that a better world to live will come sooner if more people get together for peace and show their minds and will.
Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate!
I hope I hear more good news about him and peace.

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