Thursday, April 10, 2014

Peace advocate Man Hee Lee_ Peace Would Come True

Last year one day, bright and beautiful spring May, my close friend asked me to go out to take a walk. But interestingly she said we were going to a parade for Peace. "What? A parade for Peace? You are not saying a street demonstration?" I asked back to her. She laughed and told me back 'It is not serious mood but the issue could be serious though. You just come with me and enjoy it. There would be many great shows and many young people from many countries. You said you liked to make friends from abroad."
There was a crowd of people. Actually there were too many young people more than several thousand so I don't know how many. Among them, people were wearing face painting and bringing sings, quotes about peace. Some of them came in their uniforms, nurse, sports players, and solders. Some of them performed traditional dances of Indians, and some countries - I don't know very well. Anyway, it was rather exhilarating than serious.

The event got started. Many president or representative leaders from young people groups made their short speech or welcome message. One voice was very powerful and the message was strong but it was not from young one. I am too small so I had to step up in the crowd and look at the front. It was the voice of old gentleman looking like older than 70s. His name  Man Hee Lee.
On my way, I was told that he was actually 83 and a Korean war Veteran. Even though he is quite old and he does not earn money, he has been actively working for peace. I wondered why he did not enjoy his life at home or go to resort for vacation if he had lots of money because I liked to spend my old age on beach. At that day at home I read his message and mind on the internet. I could not help respecting him. He has served for Korea and world. What he advocates is no fight and no war crossover nation, race, languages, and religions, which is the same with other's point. However, he said "Let's love each other in the same way Mother Nature gives us all life free- Sun, Air and Rain. Wars have been existed all the time in all history. Only young men have sent to wars and satisfied before their lives become prosperous." He also said that if all of young men in the world decide not to fight, peace would come true. What a great idea!
When my guy friends and younger brother left home to military service for longer than two years, and separated families by Korean war, who could not meet each other for longer than 60 years in south Korea and north Korea sobbed at the union, I did realize Korea is the only divided nation in the world. That's why Korean people should do work harder for world peace. In that point of view, Mr. Man Hee Lee peace leader  seems to do his best for reunion of Korea and peaceful world in this generation.
Peace advocate Man Hee Lee is very humble and honest even though he has achieved so much things. He has invited and traveled in the world and met social, political, and religious leaders. Recent the peace agreement in an island, Philippine between Muslim and Catholic leaders was mediated by him.
I personally want young generation people to listen to his hearty story and talk and think what we should do for our nation and world!

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