Saturday, April 12, 2014

World Peace

World Peace.  What comes to mind when you see these two words?
I asked a few people if they believed world peace was possible, and the majority of them just laughed.  It's something that everyone wants, but at the same time, it seems to be so far from the reality.  Whenever I turn on the TV or surf the web these days, I'm blown away by how many hundreds, even thousands are killed everyday.  Most of these deaths are a result of religious and political differences.  There have been so many people throughout the course of history who have made countless efforts to bring peace.  But the sad reality is that the situation in our world today is only getting worse and worse.  Is it just me....or does our world seem to be getting more crazy and violent as time passes?  People seem to have lost their sense of morals.  Killing people.........has become an ordinary thing for some groups.  What happened?  And more importantly, it frightens me to think about what kind of world our future generations are going to live in.

Recently, a friend told me about a peace advocate from South Korea named Man Hee Lee.  Honestly, I didn't really think much about it when she first mentioned Mr. Lee.  There have been so many peace advocates in the world today.  "What makes him so special?", I thought.  Well, I was amazed. He has traveled around the world, I believe, 8 times already proclaiming the message of putting an end to all wars and asking religious and political leaders to sign an agreement for World Peace.  What's more shocking is the fact that he is in his mid 80s!  He's the same age as my grandmother.  Nevertheless, he has been traveling and meeting with presidents, prime ministers, religious leaders around the world.  Many people have talked about world peace, dreamed of world peace and maybe did some small activities to promote world peace. But Mr. Man Hee Lee seems to have this special aura and light that gives people confidence that he truly can make world peace into a reality.  It would be such an honor to have a chance to meet Mr. Man Hee Lee.  I would like to personally offer my gratitude to him for doing the work he does.  Thank you Mr. Man Hee Lee.

1 comment:

  1. War may be far from us, nobody may be interested in World Peace, but never forget the World War 2
