Saturday, April 12, 2014

peace advocate Man Hee Lee has been doing a lot for World peace

Last year i went volunteering in Africa. Since then I had a lot of interest in Africa even after I returned to Korea. One day my friend who lives in Africa sent me an e-mail and I came to know some people. He asked me if l knew Man-hee Lee. I didn't know him. Man-hee Lee is a peace activist who actively promotes world peace all over the world. I was surprised to hear that he is Korean and that he is a person who has been doing a lot for World peace.

People desire world peace, but I think it is difficult to stop war and make it actually happen. Honestly, I didn't think there was anyone who can really make it come true.
Recently, I heard from a friend living in the Philippines that the religious conflict in Mindanao it been settled.
Man-hee Lee made great effort to bring peace to Mindanao. And I was taken aback when my friend thanked me for being Korean.  I had nothing to say because I didn't do anything to help.
Yes, there is a lot of love and happiness in the world but sadly because of wars there are also many people who live constantly in fear of losing their lives. We live unaware of that. It makes me feel uneasy whenever I think about the situation in the world today.  It makes me wonder, "What can I do for world peace?"

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