Tuesday, April 15, 2014

lyrics of Imagine, the bestseller music sung by John Lennon

Imagine that everyone can live peaceful lives. no one doesn't need to kill somebody in war, and don't need to be died due to war. there is no need to have religion, private property.

It's a part of lyrics of Imagine, the bestseller music sung by John Lennon. He is a peace-loving antiwar activist, who tried to express the peace in his songs. His songs are known as a peace symbol.

A world free from possession, greed, and hunger. How wonderful it would be if there exists that world! Amazingly, there is a peace activist who makes utmost effort for that world. It is Man Hee Lee. He is 83 years old but nevertheless he has been trying to save the global village howling in wars, hunger, and darkness and touring around the world for years . Even without a personal life!

This peace advocate, Man Hee Lee, has been touring the world many times and calling for "Only peace! We are the one!". And I really expected his move! If more people of like his minds join and join, doesn't the peace come that has no more terrible and cruel wars, a gap between rich and poor, suffering, and tears?

Even though I can't run together with him, I should cheer up the peace advocate Man Hee Lee in my mind.

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