Thursday, April 3, 2014

Man Hee Lee let people sign the agreement of peace ,in Mindanao,Philippines

We have heard the word, peace many times but we all have thought there is no peace in this world .Why?
Because we have seen conflicts between countries ,people and even between religions more.
As a man who really hopes peace , I am very sad to hear and see these situations and realities.Can't we have a true peace ? of course, I think I can give a help to make our world peaceful by our work ,such as volunteering and helping local development
but I am looking for clear ways to come true and really hope for us to make  peaceful world. I by chance read the article about the messenger of peace ,Man Hee Lee on internet .He was 80 years over but his passion ,message and work looked like a youth.The article says that he went around the world 7times to work for world peace and he is said to be a peace advocate ,so I am interested in him.It is said that he is a messenger of peace from heaven .What has he been working? He was not just sitting and not only saying.Man Hee Lee let people sign the agreement of peace ,in Mindanao,Philippines . The conflict between the religions has been for40 years .I deeply agree to his idea that religion can give a true peace to world and should not give conflict to world .This is why there is religion in the world .

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