Monday, April 14, 2014

Man Hee Lee peace advocate_brave and his leadership

Peace is good. If we listen to Beatle’s music, we become warm hearted and begin to think about peace. By the way, what is peace? My father was a soldier during the Korean War. He frequently drank alcohol and sadly often wept. It made me sad to see by father in this state. I was not a victim of the war but the destructive and deteriorating panorama of the War has been replayed on the television during special occasions such as Veteran's Day or Memorial Day. Wars remind us of death. Since childhood, not only me, but most Koreans grew up in this kind of atmosphere.

 But surprisingly, an international peace advocate has appeared in Korea. I have been following his activities.  He is brave and his leadership is very excellent. In him there is wisdom springing out. His name is Mr. Man Hee Lee.
 Mr. Man Hee Lee visited several hospitals and spent some time with the patients. Interaction between Mr. Man Hee Lee and the patients went beyond nation, race and religion.
And then he visited the prime minister’s hometown. The people held a festival which was held exclusively for the prime minister. For 2 weeks, they had practiced and prepared for this festival. All the people were delighted and danced together. It reminded me of a bird which is included in their national flag.
Many peace advocates argued and acted in the past. Some were even imprisoned. But they could not carry it out completely.
Mr. Man Hee Lee is over 80years old but has made tour around the earth 8 times. Isn’t it surprising?
Surely there is something special in him that has the ability to move the people's hearts.

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