Thursday, April 10, 2014

The World Peace can be Realized _ Man Hee Lee peace advocate

While I was applying for joining the army in April 2014, I became think that why I had to go to the army. That led me have interests on Army all over the world. Some countries did not have a liability for military service, others had a long period of military service.  There were countries where even children got involved in military drill. I had never experienced in war. Since South Korea is peaceful, I thought other countries were also calm.
As the time for me to go to the army was coming, I got to think that North Korea was not the safe place from war. If the war breaks out in Korea, young people will meet their death in the war like other youth. What a tragedy!

There were so many people in Seoul Olympic stadium in May 2013. My friends and I went there thinking famous stars would perform. But it was a movement for peace walking. At first I didn't think those kinds of movement was useful to change each person's mind and end the world war. However while I was walking with them, I felt some energies that was not explained. I realized that many people wished peace to come. I examined myself who lived for only me not peace.

During I searched for the obligatory period for military service of each country, I found Man Hee Lee who was well known for a peace advocate. I searched for him more, because I wanted to know him better. Through the research on him, I have known about the world peace a lot. I think the peace event I saw last year gave me a chance to think about peace.

"So many people cry out for the peace, but peace doesn't come true. Not just thinking but we should put thoughts into real action for the peace, then the world peace can be realized." Man Hee Lee said.

Everyone wants peace but  they are busy managing only their lives. I am so proud of having a peace advocate Man Hee Lee in Korea in this day and age. From now on, I will be a person who concerns about making world peaceful without war and the world where everyone love each other. Like a peace advocate Man Hee Lee's words, even if we make each person's own only one way to practice world peace, the world peace will be completed already from our mind.

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