Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Do we really take action for WORLD PEACE?

Many leaders in the world try to find a lasting solution to the problems that beset our planet but so far, peace on earth has continued to be thought as an impposible dream. Anyone can shout out the word 'World Peace' itself but no one seems to be able to keep struggling to achieve real peace on earth and implanting awareness into people's mind all over the world. To be honest it seems like a lonely path and such a long way to go!

Wars, murders, conflicts among nations, we think those perennial evens should be stopped. However do we really take action for that? I think people just sit there and live their life.

There are many movements, conferences and fraternities all over the world that promotes the idea of world peace but no one has yet came up with a solid answer to the question.

In this situation, however, when I came across the news about a Korean peace advocate Man Hee Lee, who is the age of 84, led to put an end the forty-year-arduous conflict of Mindanao island in the Philippines and had both religious leaders from the disputed area sign a peace agreement.
The article said that the number of deaths from the war in Mindanao island is almost 14 thousand for the past 40 years. It also said when the advocate came to the island, it was very explosive situation and anyone was not able to cease the tragic history even religious leaders or the U.N.
I've never heard about this man until I read the article  however he's actually been working for peace not only just in Korea but for many nations in the world for a long time. He placed a stone monument and wrote a message about unification of Korea on it. Also he held the National Liberation Day Celebrations inviting War veterans that is he was one of them. Not only that he's been visiting many countries to meet politicians, presidents and religious leaders to promote the spirit of world peace and finally to lead them sign peace agreement on never fighting one another. What a great man! I'd like to give him a big hand to his great and constant effort.
I think I was so indifferent to world peace and even the situation of the division of Korea into north and south. However this 84-year-old peace advocate Man Hee Lee never forgets the pain and sufferings through Korean War. I wish his great and noble effort for world peace will be fulfulled in this era so that we could pass the peaceful world down to future generation hopefully forever.

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