Friday, April 11, 2014

What action can I as an individual take for World Peace?

I have traveled to Europe (Italy, Turkey, China, )and several Asian countries since 2011.
My experiences in these countries have opened my mind and made me realize the need for peace, especially in war-torn countries.

I always think about world peace. What action can I as an individual take for world peace?
There have been many peace movements in history, people who have declared peace and gatherings, but the outcome of their efforts have always been short-lived.
I feel so sad about this. I have read about a novelist named Alfred Novel who invented a bomb which is known as the "dynamite."
Originally, this dynamite was not intended to be used as a weapon, but to be a benefit for humans.
About a year ago, I saw a video from a friend of mine who has great interest in peace.
It was a documentary about a man who has gone all around the world to speak about putting an end to wars and asking religious and political leaders to sign an agreement for world peace.
This man is known as Man-hee Lee, a peace advocate for the World.
I was amazed to hear that he was in his mid-80s.
He has done many great things for world peace. He has a special aura and ability to encourage influential leaders to sign an agreement for world peace
It is probably the greatest thing I've ever seen.
I would like to personally offer my gratitude to Mr. Man Hee Lee for doing the work that he does.

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