Friday, April 11, 2014

John Lennon's Lyrics "Imagine All the People Sharing All the World"

When I was young, I had joined in many demonstrations for the liberty, equality and peace. I thought these problems(lack of freedom, inequality) result from the social system and the capitalist society can not achieve peace, equality and even freedom. So I joined in left-wing organizations because I was convinced that socialism could be an alternative social system. And I dreamed of an ideal society where everyone can live peacefully having no borders and no possessions like John Lennon's lyrics “Imagine there's no heaven~ Imagine there's no countries~ No religion too~ Imagine no possessions~ imagine all the people sharing all the world"
At that time I realized that public opinion became so distorted and intolerant in regard to peace and justice because of influence of huge conservative media company. So I worked as report in an alternative media for a while to make people have more interest in these issues. However I could not sure that this society would be changed and I couldn't find clear answer about how to solve these problems. Eventually I came to a conclusion that all of my attempt was not a proper and essential solution to change world.
So I lost my fervor for the better world and I got a stable job for my own life. One day I chanced to read an article on someone's blog page that was about work of peace advocate Man Hee Lee. And I was so suprized to see his achievements that seemed to be truly hard to make as individual one. Then I was curious to know more about him. So I watched many Youtube videos showing his work. It showed globle peace walk and meeting with hightest class leader of foreign country for peace commitment. In that such amazing events, I confirmed so many young people gave cheers to him and many former and present presidents agreed with him and they positively joined in his activity.
Then I thought Mr Man Hee Lee is quite different person as a great man compared to the great names of past ages who had worked for only their own country's trouble or conflict between some countries. The reason why I thought like that is I found a certain method and possibility to achieve it in his word even if his aim for world peace looked like a farseeing plan. This below word of him is my evidence of conviction
"As emissaries of World Peace; as people who are working towards the restoration of humanity through a new and heavenly culture, we declare the following:
We call on the heads of state of every country to sign an international agreement – a commitment to bringing all wars to an end. We ask them to do this from a spirit of deep-seated love for the people of their country.
We call on all youth to unite in an effort to stop wars and pursue the restoration of peace by agreeing not to fight one another. For World Peace to become a reality this is the duty of all youth, everywhere. The only way to stop the fighting and pointless, tragic deaths, is to stop fighting. Nobody can ask for anything greater than this, and know now that your efforts – the efforts of the young people of the world today in pursuit of peace – will remain as a never fading light of life for all future generations."(A part of 'Declaration of World Peace')
Through his word I also realized that social system or physical conditions can not change our world and people' mind but if all the young people join in this peace activity and become one it is really possible to create a peaceful and righteous world. We have sincerely needed this great vision and substantial resolution. In conclusion I certainly keep in mind this word "our spirit rules over our thought and physical body" and I hope we have a same spirit of Mr Man Hee Lee that make us to participate to create a peaceful world and then we can eventually imagine a true heavenly world!

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