Thursday, April 24, 2014

Eager to advance world peace

                                                                                                      source: yonhap news
    I have been working as a professional photographer in Santa Barbara. I have a dream that I want to express all joy of the world with photos ,so I have been accomplished it through the journey of the world . One of the most impressive experiences was to visit to Korea last year where had the most beautiful weather in May. While taking pictures in Olympic Park ,I found by chance a great number of people who were covered with many various colors. Many foreigners as well as Koreans , maybe about several ten thousand people were preparing something. They were all youths and they looked very active and bright like youths of my hometown. After some time,there was a great shout on the prepared stage.and then started walking campaign with a big joy. Their message in shouting was World Peace and not to forget dead youths as victims of war all around the world. They were youths to get together in order to keep World Peace. I felt their shouting fervent.I think the reason why their shouting is eager is because they have experienced deep sorrow which is divied in two.

I was so surprised when I heard peace advocate Man Hee Lee, the middle of this movement, there was him..
He is over his youth age, but his cry for peace was hotter than youth. I joined in his peace walk, and I could leave bright smile , joy of youth as photographs. while the walking many publics were joining and lots of traditional festival for each continent was very good. when I face Man Hee Lee's news from any kinds of media, I can remember the day that was gathering for peace.

His first sentence of the peace walk day, "who can against the world peace?" I try to answer with this question and work support with my local youth people. 
Thank you Mr. Man Hee Lee!

Why those people should die....

                                                                                            source: yonhap news

The Korea ship "세월호“(about 500 people in the ship) was sunk at April 15th 2014. That day as the ship sunk, 200 people were rescued, 100 people were dead and 200 people are unfortunately still missing. As hearing the news I felt really upset because it was a really big accident and there was no reason why those people should die. There were hundreds of students in the ship to go on a school excursion. How happy would they be before this situation happened? How much would the student's parents heart feel? We should know that this is not just a simple accident but a really serious situation. However there will be some people who is not even interested in this accident or who doesn't even care about it but think about if your son or daughter or your best friend or your family was in the ship. I hope your feelings would change. I really express condolence to those people because I'm 100% sure no one wants to die or no one wants to be injured. I desire the people who are injured gets cured as soon as possible and the people who are unfortunately dead because of the accident, I feel sorry for them and express my condolence. I hope this kind of accident doesn't happen again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

[Peace Project 1] A flower on the gray street, Guerrilla Gardening

A flower on the gray street, Guerrilla Gardening

Guerilla Gardening is planting plants such as flowers or other things secretly at places that not permitted and abandoned.

Start of Guerilla Gardening.

How does it start? it was started by an english youth called ‘Richard Reynolds’ in the last of 1960s. at that time, near California University where Richard lives was almost wasteland.  people thought as this land pitifully and they planted few flowers and trees there and made a kind of park.
This is the beginning of Guerilla Gardening.

Guerilla Gardening doesn’t have any special approval and they can plant at any places like crack of sidewalk or asphalt, near dust bins.
Guerilla Gardening put life into the concrete jungle city which is very gray and desolate , it makes people’s mind richer.

It is an activity that makes better regional view and also a practical movement which is against standardized urban development .

So, we would like to begin this project.

To take part in this great activity, we (I and some people) were doing Guerilla Gardening near Gwang-An beach, Busan during ten days in last March.

This time, our plan was hanging flowerpot on the trees along the street.
First, we dropped by a flower shop and bought some spring flowers and put them on the recycle pot. and we also made signposts that can change people’s recognition with beautiful words.

The flowers come into bloom on the deserted street at this time the winter has passed and it made us smile.
Through this project, we see small possibility that tiny things can make people’s mind even if it sounds like illusion now, world peace can be realized soon. hope to many people’s thinking would be changed.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A peace agreement Philippines , Mindanao is in festival atmosphere!

In Mindanao, Philippines, 

they 're in festival atmosphere now!

Because they said that their long term civil war is finally overed and becoming of their new world. also their national broadcasting system made big report about that.
The population of Mindanao Island, Philippines has about 20 million people there and is a little bit smaller than South Korea.
Originally the Islam (Muslim)people of Philippine lived there long time ago...
But lots of Philippino Catholic (christians) moved to Mindanao, at the same time, the native people (Philippino Islam) outed from their land.. this is the original reason for long civil war which lasted over 40years.
Since early 1970, there were about 140-thousand (140,000) people who died because of this terrible war...
Our country had also same suffering as this I felt it wasn't not other people's affairs... nobody knows that this kind of feeling even they didn't go through something which killed each other in same national people before...
Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee who led the signing a peace agreement.
Do you know that the person who led the signing a peace agreement is a korean peace advocate Man Hee Lee? he was the one who can make the peace agreement decisively!

We know there are Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla , Thich Nhat Hanh ;Buddhist monk who worked for world peace but like this time, it is worthy of attention for everyone! Peace advocate Man Hee Lee completed world's big tasks. He left a significant mark in modern peace history.

Fernando R. Capalla, the archbishop of Mindanao, pleaded with Mr.Lee to help end the conflict of the island Mindanao.
During the arbitraion of the conflict Mr.Lee figured out the religious trouble is the main reason and met both of the religious leaders of Islamic and Catholic. As a result, the two religious leaders accepted the proposal of unifying religions and they came to an agreement to sign a peace treaty.
The next day of the event, the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which is the largest Islamic group, concluded final agreement and finally the forty years of religious conflict came to an end.
After the interview with Mr.Lee, the Philippine national broadcasting said that all the Philippines should appreciate the result of the peace agreement of Mindanao island. It's said that Philippine private broadcast ABC CBN news also widely covered the significance of the event.
I think this peace agreement must be the work that improved Korea's international status. And it's no wonder that the event surprised the entire world since the one peace advocate stopped the forty years of bloody conflict. Even Lamos, the former president of the Phillippines, expressed his appreciation for the arbitration and I'm very proud of the news as a Korean.

Our wish is to be reunified. I hope the day when both leaders of south and North Korea come to sign a peace agreement as soon as possible.

I would like to wish 'PEACE' !

If there is only one chance you can tell your wish, what would you wish for this world? Would you like to wish fortune, fame, or the technology for long life? For me, I would like 

                                                           to wish ‘peace’!!! 


The whole world is being settled as a world-comprised organization, so- called ‘global village’.
Because of the globalization, all the events and competitions between countries such as Olympic, trade... take place more frequently. Therefore, socializing between people from different countries became natural these days. This is such a pleasant phenomenon. For the people in this world make the society of cooperation beyond their races, and nationalities.
However, we can also find many problems. There are many people suffer from famines, starving, and wars. The war of Cream and the territory dispute in Palestine are well-known cases. We can easily find them in media. We, Koreans, seem that we live in peace, we still have the possibility of breaking war between South and North. Even at this moment there are many peoples who are afraid of unpredictable wars come with all the pain and damages.
In that sense, I realized that our common daily lives would be special for someone who always lives in hazards of wars. I consider that everyone on this earth must have their rights to lead a happy life as other people have. Therefore, to accomplish peace is the most basic need for human being amongst all the matters. Many people who work for peace are just around us. Today, I would like to introduce a man who is Korean works for world peace.

Among those who work for peace, Mr. Manhee Lee is the one I’d like to tell you. He is a peace advocate who takes an active part in international area for world peace. He has given many speeches every time he visits other countries like Europe, Southeast Asia and so on. He especially gives a speech on the importance of accomplishing peace.

Two of his representative activities are visiting Ethiopia to comfort the Korean War veteran, and the peace walking movements to aim at youth people in the world. He enthusiastically keeps contacting with the leaders from various organizations and tries to actualize the methods to fulfill the world peace. He takes signatures from leaders for agreement of world peace.
There is a lot of organizations aim for world peace. However, we still have no answer how we can actually drag the result out of it.

In Korea also, Mr. Manhee Lee and the others work for peace. It simply isn’t seemed that big what they are doing. They are those who don’t pursue their own happiness but work for spreading the idea of the importance and the value of peace. I hope this earth would be filled with joys and pleasure with peace by many people participate peace movements. Therefore, our ‘global village’ would become ‘peace global village’ soon. 

Have you heard the story about "persimmon"?

   These days, I realized that many people like to talk about their stories and praise themselves instead of listening what other people say. I'm one of a type listening rather than talking about my life or what I have experienced. Meeting many different type of people, I sometimes get bored when the other people talk about their personal life what they have experienced because it is kind of hard to agree what he or she says and if the talking is about what I have not experienced there is no way to understand what the other person says. However, sometimes there is some people who ask me first for example "Have you been on a trip to another country?" but the outcome goes to his or her story. So what I have realized is that there is a reason why human does not have 1 ear but 2 ears. Not just talking about ourselves but if we try to understand other people minds and try to listen to each other, I hope there will be a better conversation and have a happy mind not just personally but all together. Don't you feel unconscientious when you talk about just your life in one side? If we think it over, there is a reason why conflicts happen. I'm sure there will be a day that people will try to understand each minds and share our thoughts.

   Have you heard the story about "persimmon"?
Once upon a time there was a persimmon tree bear with persimmons. As time past, all the persimmons fell down but one persimmon was still persisting on the tree. I thought that persimmon will also fall down soon but as looking the tree after 1 week, 2 weeks later the persimmon was still on the tree. So I was really surprised how a fruit can persist all kinds of obstacle like the rain, wind or insects. I was quite interested with this situation so I decided to keep looking when will it fall down. Maybe in my memories a month past, and finally the fruit fell down but an amazing event happened. There was a small but a beautiful sprout the place where the persimmon fell down. After looking this situation I realized that though it is just a small fruit, he endured himself to make a beautiful sprout giving his seed to the ground. As the persimmon endured himself transcending his limit and waiting there will be hope, I realized me myself should endure myself though there is unhappiness things, waiting there will be hope in the future. Not just being angry to other people because you are mad but if we think in a positive way why this situation happened to me and try to fix our habits I hope it is a good chance to develop ourselves and know other people minds giving advice who is having a painful time.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Do you know There was the Peace Agreement in Mindano, Philippines?

The peace agreement in Mindanao, Philippines, a Korean did!
Do you know the Mindanao Island in Philippines?
The Mindanao Island is located in southern of Philippines, a region which 5% of Muslim, called ““Moro””, lives in and there are 85% of Catholic people live in Philippines.
There has been long history of religious conflict between Catholics and Muslims for 40 years until now from 1968, because of a struggle for independence of Muslims.
The conflict has killed 150,000 victims.
But in this conflict area, a spark of peace is begun finally.
On January 24, the representatives of Catholicism and Islam united to sign the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace.
Have you noticed that a Korean led the peace agreement?

On January 24, the peace advocate Manhee Lee and the peace mission visited the Mindanao Island in Philippines and had peace walk campaign with about 1,000 religious leaders beyond religion and teenagers.
The peace advocate Manhee Lee made the religious leaders sign the peace agreement after peace walk.
Although this agreement is made by non-governmental power, it affects the Philippines government to admit autonomy of Islam in Mindanao.
Moro Islamic Liberation front must be gradually a catalytic of agreement that means disarmament.
How can they sign peace negotiations?
Manhee Lee, peace leader said that he found main reason of the conflict, Mindanao Island religious conflict so he persuaded the religious leaders.
Ramos ex-president said that Manhee Lee accomplished what hi himself couldn’t do for peace of Mindanao.

After this agreement, Manhee Lee was invited to a government-run broadcasting station PTV and many the press and have told this news.
Peace News from Philippines!
We are proud of Manhee Lee as a Korean.
Everyone has hoped peace and had peace campaigns but the people don’t know how.
We wonder he who knows the way to make a peace will do ahead.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Good News (Peace Agreement) in Mindanao, Philippines

Here's the world that can communicate with people from the all over the world through the internet, even not their own countries.
Compare with the old times, it gets better and better.
But we sometimes hear very bad news from the other countries, too...actually it is more than the good news...
Everyone wants world peace and lives happily and I am also one of them who want live gladly.
Everyone wants to live happily but the real is not ...
why somebody lives in splendor (wealth and honor) and why some don't.. even they are in pain and suffering and it made them think about the reason of living...
But I heard some great news from my neighbors who live in Philippines.
There is an island which was in trouble with religious fight , but the war was ended and they made a peace agreement.

More amazing thing is the key person of the peace agreement is Korean Manhee Lee. and after that I searched lots of news that he did already many things , that was really surprising! His dedication to previous world peace's work was admirable!

It is not about private purpose and he has been U.S, Europe, East south Asia, Africa, South America and so make world peace! his movement just doesn't stop his walk of peace life. his age is over 80 but very respectful, drastic.
He is really enough appropriate to have that title.

I vaguely thought there would be world peace . everyone can be happy people indeed? but I have hope since I leanred Mr Manhee Lee's walk of life, and want to join him! if everyone share this way, that will be coming soon!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Let's sign the paper to end the wars_Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee

if you love your country and your people,

 let's sign the paper to end the wars.

The president of South africa noticed first that the light of the world peace is spreading out in Africa by Peace advocate Man Hee Lee. president of Ethiopia invited Peace advocate Man Hee Lee to the residential of president, Adisababa in the capital of Ethiopia.
Peace advocate asked to help the unification of korea. president of Ethiopia said that "I think if we really become one to be united, we can make peace.
by doing so when we gather all together to become one, didn't the peace make?
He promised to cooperate with Peace advocate Man Hee Lee.
Then they had deep conversation about what worlds' leaders work and effort are for making world peace in real.

The chairman Man Hee Lee has talked with the President of South Africa.As he had a talk with the President of Ethiopia, he said "if the war is broken out , the youth surely will fight and finally die .How can we give compensation for their death? If you really love your nation and your people , I hope you can sign on the peace agreement for ending war and world peace."
After listening to Man Hee Lee 's suggestion, the President was moved by Man Hee Lee's passion for world peace , "I deeply appreciate you for your visiting to our country and your working,and I really want to join with you and your working for peace by interchanging between us continually " replied he . Even though everyone,young and old ,man and woman ,has been eager for peace , the detail way to solve the problem that is the ending war and foundation of peace still remains unsolved task today. But "we find out Man Hee Lee ,advocate, has the only solution to come true a true peace into the world this era and he is an essential person for the world " agreed the Presidents of Africa.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

International youth peace walking

 I have written this essay looking back on the international youth peace walking event I took part in. It was held in May last year,  Seoul. I can't forget the passion, enthusiasm that day. 

I was surprised that about 20,000 young people from 130 countries came to participate in this event in Seoul Olympic Stadium. Because I never thought that this kind of event was held in Korea. 

Even though they were different in race and nation, they walked together without distinction as to race hoping peace to come. That movement made me touched. I participated in that event with my Taiwanese friend who I met in Philippines. As he was travelling around Korea. Each continent's traditional dance was performed along the walking section. Especially, Oceanian Maori tribal dance was impressed on my memory the most. The dance was emphasized with their own traditional peculiarity.

Many people tried to settle various district disputes and end the war. But they have not been solved yet.
At this moment, the fact that many people have died through wars, breaks my heart so terribly.
As one of the ones that live in this era, I hope especially that North and South Korea unify with sincere hearts and peace. When the peace walk was held, the representative of the Youth Peace Group , Man Hee Lee announced the Peace  Declaration; I got tears in my eyes remembering those who were victims in the Korean War and the pictures related it. I remember that he appealed sincerely that we work together for peace, and I asked a man next to me who he was, and he answered that he was the advocate of peace.
 I have never seen anyone like him who has traveled all over the world to see various men like presidents and leaders of religion as well as other representatives advocates of peace. I have seen many people who work for peace, but it is the first time in my life to see him and I am so proud that he is Korean. I will ask him what his next plans for peace are if I have a chance to see him face to face.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

lyrics of Imagine, the bestseller music sung by John Lennon

Imagine that everyone can live peaceful lives. no one doesn't need to kill somebody in war, and don't need to be died due to war. there is no need to have religion, private property.

It's a part of lyrics of Imagine, the bestseller music sung by John Lennon. He is a peace-loving antiwar activist, who tried to express the peace in his songs. His songs are known as a peace symbol.

A world free from possession, greed, and hunger. How wonderful it would be if there exists that world! Amazingly, there is a peace activist who makes utmost effort for that world. It is Man Hee Lee. He is 83 years old but nevertheless he has been trying to save the global village howling in wars, hunger, and darkness and touring around the world for years . Even without a personal life!

This peace advocate, Man Hee Lee, has been touring the world many times and calling for "Only peace! We are the one!". And I really expected his move! If more people of like his minds join and join, doesn't the peace come that has no more terrible and cruel wars, a gap between rich and poor, suffering, and tears?

Even though I can't run together with him, I should cheer up the peace advocate Man Hee Lee in my mind.

photographer in santa barbara, Peace Walking Campaign

I have been working as a professional photographer in Santa Barbara. I have a dream that I want to express all joy of the world with photos ,so I have been accomplished it through the journey of the world .

One of the most impressive experiences was to visit to Korea last year where had the most beautiful weather in May. While taking pictures in Olympic Park ,I found by chance a great number of people who were covered with many various colors. Many foreigners as well as Koreans , maybe about several ten thousand people were preparing something. They were all youths and they looked very active and bright like youths of my hometown.

After some time,there was a great shout on the prepared stage.and then started walking campaign with a big joy. Their message in shouting was World Peace and not to forget dead youths as victims of war all around the world. They were youths to get together in order to keep World Peace.

I felt their shouting fervent.I think the reason why their shouting is eager is because they have experienced deep sorrow which is divied in two.
I was so surprised when I heard peace advocate Man Hee Lee, the middle of this movement, there was him..

He is over his youth age, but his cry for peace was hotter than youth. I joined in his peace walk, and I could leave bright smile , joy of youth as photographs. while the walking many publics were joining and lots of traditional festival for each continent was very good. when I face Man Hee Lee's news from any kinds of media, I can remember the day that was gathering for peace.
His first sentence of the peace walk day, "who can against the world peace?" I try to answer with this question and work support with my local youth people. Thank you Mr. Man Hee Lee!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Man Hee Lee peace advocate_brave and his leadership

Peace is good. If we listen to Beatle’s music, we become warm hearted and begin to think about peace. By the way, what is peace? My father was a soldier during the Korean War. He frequently drank alcohol and sadly often wept. It made me sad to see by father in this state. I was not a victim of the war but the destructive and deteriorating panorama of the War has been replayed on the television during special occasions such as Veteran's Day or Memorial Day. Wars remind us of death. Since childhood, not only me, but most Koreans grew up in this kind of atmosphere.

 But surprisingly, an international peace advocate has appeared in Korea. I have been following his activities.  He is brave and his leadership is very excellent. In him there is wisdom springing out. His name is Mr. Man Hee Lee.
 Mr. Man Hee Lee visited several hospitals and spent some time with the patients. Interaction between Mr. Man Hee Lee and the patients went beyond nation, race and religion.
And then he visited the prime minister’s hometown. The people held a festival which was held exclusively for the prime minister. For 2 weeks, they had practiced and prepared for this festival. All the people were delighted and danced together. It reminded me of a bird which is included in their national flag.
Many peace advocates argued and acted in the past. Some were even imprisoned. But they could not carry it out completely.
Mr. Man Hee Lee is over 80years old but has made tour around the earth 8 times. Isn’t it surprising?
Surely there is something special in him that has the ability to move the people's hearts.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

World Peace

World Peace.  What comes to mind when you see these two words?
I asked a few people if they believed world peace was possible, and the majority of them just laughed.  It's something that everyone wants, but at the same time, it seems to be so far from the reality.  Whenever I turn on the TV or surf the web these days, I'm blown away by how many hundreds, even thousands are killed everyday.  Most of these deaths are a result of religious and political differences.  There have been so many people throughout the course of history who have made countless efforts to bring peace.  But the sad reality is that the situation in our world today is only getting worse and worse.  Is it just me....or does our world seem to be getting more crazy and violent as time passes?  People seem to have lost their sense of morals.  Killing people.........has become an ordinary thing for some groups.  What happened?  And more importantly, it frightens me to think about what kind of world our future generations are going to live in.

Recently, a friend told me about a peace advocate from South Korea named Man Hee Lee.  Honestly, I didn't really think much about it when she first mentioned Mr. Lee.  There have been so many peace advocates in the world today.  "What makes him so special?", I thought.  Well, I was amazed. He has traveled around the world, I believe, 8 times already proclaiming the message of putting an end to all wars and asking religious and political leaders to sign an agreement for World Peace.  What's more shocking is the fact that he is in his mid 80s!  He's the same age as my grandmother.  Nevertheless, he has been traveling and meeting with presidents, prime ministers, religious leaders around the world.  Many people have talked about world peace, dreamed of world peace and maybe did some small activities to promote world peace. But Mr. Man Hee Lee seems to have this special aura and light that gives people confidence that he truly can make world peace into a reality.  It would be such an honor to have a chance to meet Mr. Man Hee Lee.  I would like to personally offer my gratitude to him for doing the work he does.  Thank you Mr. Man Hee Lee.

peace advocate Man Hee Lee has been doing a lot for World peace

Last year i went volunteering in Africa. Since then I had a lot of interest in Africa even after I returned to Korea. One day my friend who lives in Africa sent me an e-mail and I came to know some people. He asked me if l knew Man-hee Lee. I didn't know him. Man-hee Lee is a peace activist who actively promotes world peace all over the world. I was surprised to hear that he is Korean and that he is a person who has been doing a lot for World peace.

People desire world peace, but I think it is difficult to stop war and make it actually happen. Honestly, I didn't think there was anyone who can really make it come true.
Recently, I heard from a friend living in the Philippines that the religious conflict in Mindanao it been settled.
Man-hee Lee made great effort to bring peace to Mindanao. And I was taken aback when my friend thanked me for being Korean.  I had nothing to say because I didn't do anything to help.
Yes, there is a lot of love and happiness in the world but sadly because of wars there are also many people who live constantly in fear of losing their lives. We live unaware of that. It makes me feel uneasy whenever I think about the situation in the world today.  It makes me wonder, "What can I do for world peace?"

peace advocate Man Hee Lee_ His activities for World Peace

Recently, I felt very proud as a Korean because I heard some great news that  a peace advocate from Korea is making a peace agreement with leaders from all around the world.

 I got to know about some of his activities for world peace. He went to the conflict region himself, met the leaders and led the agreement of peace and ended the war.  He visited the president or the prime minister of many countries including disputed territories and delivered the Peace message touring the world eight times. He also provided the children with relief supplies and performed the peace walk to demonstrate  youth’s desire for World peace.

 I, as a person who has been touched by his peace activites and messages, decided to write this short essay.
 We know no person wants war and everybody wants a peaceful life. But there are still  many people who are dying from war despite the efforts of many peace advocates who have won the Nobel peace prize.   We all think the war must end up for our children's sake, but it ends at merely a thought.

 But peace advocate Man hee Lee is showing us the possibility of peace realization. I believe the leaders of the world will  change their own views and join Mr. Man Hee Lee to make a promise to end all wars. I am so thankful to Man hee Lee!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The world will become one, no more fighting and division

The world will become one,
no more fighting and division

I am a person who loves traveling around the world. So I have many international friends. Most of my friends are well off and affluent in their own countries. When I met my buddies, I thought the world was only filled with the rich who were content with their lives and had no worries about violence and wars.

However, many of my friends  told me the news that there have been many people who have been dying in neighboring areas. It is because of the wars and differences  of their religion. Actually in my case, it would be better to just live in a world without any religion if so many people want to fight because of the different religions. Why do they fight? For what? The fighting just never seemed to end. These things  made me feel really stuffy and unhappy.

In the midst of this situation, one great news I have heard is from one of my Filipino friends, Miss Flora. The problem in Mindanao for 40 years has finally concluded and the leaders of the different religions in Mindanao shook their hands and signed the agreement for the ending of the war and world peace.

This is really wonderful news to hear and it made me feel better because I don't have to worry about my buddies anymore. And I feel as if the dream for the unification of the two Koreas also will come true. One more perfect thing is that the man who did this was Korean. So I am so excited and I really hope that in Korea there would no longer be any people who have to be separated from the families again.

Nobody in the world wants war and division among the people.  If the leader’s thought changes like Mindanao, the world can finally become one.  And no more fighting again. I know I am just an ordinary youth but I believe that all the youths will have the same ideas as me. As the man who works as a peace activist all the people including me should take part in making the world full of peace and happiness.

John Lennon's Lyrics "Imagine All the People Sharing All the World"

When I was young, I had joined in many demonstrations for the liberty, equality and peace. I thought these problems(lack of freedom, inequality) result from the social system and the capitalist society can not achieve peace, equality and even freedom. So I joined in left-wing organizations because I was convinced that socialism could be an alternative social system. And I dreamed of an ideal society where everyone can live peacefully having no borders and no possessions like John Lennon's lyrics “Imagine there's no heaven~ Imagine there's no countries~ No religion too~ Imagine no possessions~ imagine all the people sharing all the world"
At that time I realized that public opinion became so distorted and intolerant in regard to peace and justice because of influence of huge conservative media company. So I worked as report in an alternative media for a while to make people have more interest in these issues. However I could not sure that this society would be changed and I couldn't find clear answer about how to solve these problems. Eventually I came to a conclusion that all of my attempt was not a proper and essential solution to change world.
So I lost my fervor for the better world and I got a stable job for my own life. One day I chanced to read an article on someone's blog page that was about work of peace advocate Man Hee Lee. And I was so suprized to see his achievements that seemed to be truly hard to make as individual one. Then I was curious to know more about him. So I watched many Youtube videos showing his work. It showed globle peace walk and meeting with hightest class leader of foreign country for peace commitment. In that such amazing events, I confirmed so many young people gave cheers to him and many former and present presidents agreed with him and they positively joined in his activity.
Then I thought Mr Man Hee Lee is quite different person as a great man compared to the great names of past ages who had worked for only their own country's trouble or conflict between some countries. The reason why I thought like that is I found a certain method and possibility to achieve it in his word even if his aim for world peace looked like a farseeing plan. This below word of him is my evidence of conviction
"As emissaries of World Peace; as people who are working towards the restoration of humanity through a new and heavenly culture, we declare the following:
We call on the heads of state of every country to sign an international agreement – a commitment to bringing all wars to an end. We ask them to do this from a spirit of deep-seated love for the people of their country.
We call on all youth to unite in an effort to stop wars and pursue the restoration of peace by agreeing not to fight one another. For World Peace to become a reality this is the duty of all youth, everywhere. The only way to stop the fighting and pointless, tragic deaths, is to stop fighting. Nobody can ask for anything greater than this, and know now that your efforts – the efforts of the young people of the world today in pursuit of peace – will remain as a never fading light of life for all future generations."(A part of 'Declaration of World Peace')
Through his word I also realized that social system or physical conditions can not change our world and people' mind but if all the young people join in this peace activity and become one it is really possible to create a peaceful and righteous world. We have sincerely needed this great vision and substantial resolution. In conclusion I certainly keep in mind this word "our spirit rules over our thought and physical body" and I hope we have a same spirit of Mr Man Hee Lee that make us to participate to create a peaceful world and then we can eventually imagine a true heavenly world!

What action can I as an individual take for World Peace?

I have traveled to Europe (Italy, Turkey, China, )and several Asian countries since 2011.
My experiences in these countries have opened my mind and made me realize the need for peace, especially in war-torn countries.

I always think about world peace. What action can I as an individual take for world peace?
There have been many peace movements in history, people who have declared peace and gatherings, but the outcome of their efforts have always been short-lived.
I feel so sad about this. I have read about a novelist named Alfred Novel who invented a bomb which is known as the "dynamite."
Originally, this dynamite was not intended to be used as a weapon, but to be a benefit for humans.
About a year ago, I saw a video from a friend of mine who has great interest in peace.
It was a documentary about a man who has gone all around the world to speak about putting an end to wars and asking religious and political leaders to sign an agreement for world peace.
This man is known as Man-hee Lee, a peace advocate for the World.
I was amazed to hear that he was in his mid-80s.
He has done many great things for world peace. He has a special aura and ability to encourage influential leaders to sign an agreement for world peace
It is probably the greatest thing I've ever seen.
I would like to personally offer my gratitude to Mr. Man Hee Lee for doing the work that he does.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Peace advocate Man Hee Lee_ Peace Would Come True

Last year one day, bright and beautiful spring May, my close friend asked me to go out to take a walk. But interestingly she said we were going to a parade for Peace. "What? A parade for Peace? You are not saying a street demonstration?" I asked back to her. She laughed and told me back 'It is not serious mood but the issue could be serious though. You just come with me and enjoy it. There would be many great shows and many young people from many countries. You said you liked to make friends from abroad."
There was a crowd of people. Actually there were too many young people more than several thousand so I don't know how many. Among them, people were wearing face painting and bringing sings, quotes about peace. Some of them came in their uniforms, nurse, sports players, and solders. Some of them performed traditional dances of Indians, and some countries - I don't know very well. Anyway, it was rather exhilarating than serious.

The event got started. Many president or representative leaders from young people groups made their short speech or welcome message. One voice was very powerful and the message was strong but it was not from young one. I am too small so I had to step up in the crowd and look at the front. It was the voice of old gentleman looking like older than 70s. His name  Man Hee Lee.
On my way, I was told that he was actually 83 and a Korean war Veteran. Even though he is quite old and he does not earn money, he has been actively working for peace. I wondered why he did not enjoy his life at home or go to resort for vacation if he had lots of money because I liked to spend my old age on beach. At that day at home I read his message and mind on the internet. I could not help respecting him. He has served for Korea and world. What he advocates is no fight and no war crossover nation, race, languages, and religions, which is the same with other's point. However, he said "Let's love each other in the same way Mother Nature gives us all life free- Sun, Air and Rain. Wars have been existed all the time in all history. Only young men have sent to wars and satisfied before their lives become prosperous." He also said that if all of young men in the world decide not to fight, peace would come true. What a great idea!
When my guy friends and younger brother left home to military service for longer than two years, and separated families by Korean war, who could not meet each other for longer than 60 years in south Korea and north Korea sobbed at the union, I did realize Korea is the only divided nation in the world. That's why Korean people should do work harder for world peace. In that point of view, Mr. Man Hee Lee peace leader  seems to do his best for reunion of Korea and peaceful world in this generation.
Peace advocate Man Hee Lee is very humble and honest even though he has achieved so much things. He has invited and traveled in the world and met social, political, and religious leaders. Recent the peace agreement in an island, Philippine between Muslim and Catholic leaders was mediated by him.
I personally want young generation people to listen to his hearty story and talk and think what we should do for our nation and world!

What would you wish for this world?

If there is only one chance you can tell your wish, what would you wish for this world? Would you like to wish fortune, fame, or the technology for long life? For me, I would like to wish ‘peace’.

The whole world is being settled as a world-comprised organization, so- called ‘global village’.
Because of the globalization, all the events and competitions between countries such as Olympic, trade... take place more frequently
Therefore, socializing between people from different countries became natural these days. This is such a pleasant phenomenon. For the people in this world make the society of cooperation beyond their races, and nationalities.
However, we can also find many problems. There are many people suffer from famines, starving, and wars. The war of Cream and the territory dispute in Palestine are well-known cases. We can easily find them in media. We, Koreans, seem that we live in peace, we still have the possibility of breaking war between South and North. Even at this moment there are many peoples who are afraid of unpredictable wars come with all the pain and damages.
In that sense, I realized that our common daily lives would be special for someone who always lives in hazards of wars. I consider that everyone on this earth must have their rights to lead a happy life as other people have. Therefore, to accomplish peace is the most basic need for human being amongst all the matters. Many people who work for peace are just around us. Today, I would like to introduce a man who is Korean works for world peace.

Among those who work for peace, Mr. Man Hee Lee is the one I’d like to tell you. He is a peace advocate who takes an active part in international area for world peace. Man Hee Lee peace advocate has given many speeches every time he visits other countries like Europe, Southeast Asia and so on. He especially gives a speech on the importance of accomplishing peace.

Two of his representative activities are visiting Ethiopia to comfort the Korean War veteran, and the peace walking movements to aim at youth people in the world. He enthusiastically keeps contacting with the leaders from various organizations and tries to actualize the methods to fulfill the world peace. He takes signatures from leaders for agreement of world peace.
There is a lot of organizations aim for world peace. However, we still have no answer how we can actually drag the result out of it.

In Korea also, Mr. Man Hee Lee and the others work for peace. It simply isn’t seemed that big what they are doing. They are those who don’t pursue their own happiness but work for spreading the idea of the importance and the value of peace. I hope this earth would be filled with joys and pleasure with peace by many people participate peace movements. Therefore, our ‘global village’ would become ‘peace global village’ soon.

The World Peace can be Realized _ Man Hee Lee peace advocate

While I was applying for joining the army in April 2014, I became think that why I had to go to the army. That led me have interests on Army all over the world. Some countries did not have a liability for military service, others had a long period of military service.  There were countries where even children got involved in military drill. I had never experienced in war. Since South Korea is peaceful, I thought other countries were also calm.
As the time for me to go to the army was coming, I got to think that North Korea was not the safe place from war. If the war breaks out in Korea, young people will meet their death in the war like other youth. What a tragedy!

There were so many people in Seoul Olympic stadium in May 2013. My friends and I went there thinking famous stars would perform. But it was a movement for peace walking. At first I didn't think those kinds of movement was useful to change each person's mind and end the world war. However while I was walking with them, I felt some energies that was not explained. I realized that many people wished peace to come. I examined myself who lived for only me not peace.

During I searched for the obligatory period for military service of each country, I found Man Hee Lee who was well known for a peace advocate. I searched for him more, because I wanted to know him better. Through the research on him, I have known about the world peace a lot. I think the peace event I saw last year gave me a chance to think about peace.

"So many people cry out for the peace, but peace doesn't come true. Not just thinking but we should put thoughts into real action for the peace, then the world peace can be realized." Man Hee Lee said.

Everyone wants peace but  they are busy managing only their lives. I am so proud of having a peace advocate Man Hee Lee in Korea in this day and age. From now on, I will be a person who concerns about making world peaceful without war and the world where everyone love each other. Like a peace advocate Man Hee Lee's words, even if we make each person's own only one way to practice world peace, the world peace will be completed already from our mind.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What is Peace? _ Man Hee Lee Peace advocate _

This age has been filled with back to back wars, leaving much of the world in a state of poverty. Everywhere we look, there are new reports of conflict, when will there be an end? When will we be able to hear of peace, a time without war; is peace only a distant dream? What is peace?
When I was young, I heard of peace, but I have yet to know it. When people speak of fighting, their eyes light up with excitement and they speak on the subject endlessly. When they speak of peace, the excitement in their eyes dim, and silence takes the place of their boundless words. I had believed that peace would only be gained once our souls rested in the grave, but there is now a person who has come to this world speaking of peace with such fierce, soulful passion that I no longer feel it is only a dream but is instead a plausible and even attainable reality. This advocate and staunch ally of peace is Mr. Man Hee Lee. He is an activist that has traveled all over the world from nation to nation, from America to Africa, from Korea to Europe, East to West, North to South and everywhere between promoting peace with a success few others have ever come close to achieving.

Through nonstop peace seminars and through international media outlets millions have heard his message – from the layman to the elite – and nearly all who have heard have been given a since of hope; for once peace may just have a chance. I have dreamt of peace, but without an end to war peace could never become reality. I thought war would always be a part of our future, but if there were to be someone that could shine the light of peace throughout the world – it would be our duty to meet this person and rally behind them. To everyone who desires peace, Mr. Man Hee Lee  has become our beacon; he has become the light shining through the strife of the world. Where he has planted the seed of peace, it is up to us to nurture and follow through to see it fully bloom. Peace on Earth – World peace – finally a road has been laid, we only have to drive it.